1 Strategy Survival Guide As a rule, the best strategies in the public sector are:- Clear about goals and relative priorities Underpinned by a rich understanding of causes, trends, opportunities, threats and possible futures Based on a realistic understanding of the effectiveness of different policy tools and the capacities of institutions Creative: designing and discovering new possibilities Developed with, and communicated to, all those with a stake in the strategy or involved in implementation.
2 Strategy Survival Guide Public sector strategies tend to:- Be more complex (than private sector) Involve multiple goals rather than single bottom line Focus less on competition and zero-sum games Use policy levers including laws, taxes and services Be shaped by politics, driven by politicians and public value Need to be more visible and accountable Realised strategies tend to be more emergent than deliberate.
3 Strategy Survival Guide Different public sector strategies can be :- “…an end to end process from the definition of goals to implementation” p5. Precisely defined Imposed, top-down, through organisational hierarchies Co-operative Emergent and evolutionary, through experiment, experience and learning.
4 Strategy Survival Guide Delivery Strategic Direction Policy Design Outcome Public and user feedback Choice and engagement Measurement and analysis Testing, piloting and continuous learning High level goals Trends and futures Context and constraints Vision
5 Planning Delivery Change management Institutional change Implementation planning Evaluating Options Multi-criteria analysis Cost-benefit analysis Rationale for intervention Building Evidence Surveys Market analysis Modelling Benchmarking Scenario development Forecasting Structured Thinking SWOT PESTLE Creativity Issue trees Strategy Skills Managing Stakeholders and Communication Identifying stakeholders Engaging Communication planning Evaluating communication Managing People and Project Recruitment Team Building Performance Management Planning Managing risk Evaluation