F Romanelli 1 (19)2 December 2010 Overview of JET experiments and EFDA plans Francesco Romanelli EFDA Leader and JET Leader 2 December 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

F Romanelli 1 (19)2 December 2010 Overview of JET experiments and EFDA plans Francesco Romanelli EFDA Leader and JET Leader 2 December 2010

F Romanelli 2 (19)2 December 2010 Outline Challenges of the ITER era Organization of the European Fusion programme Overall strategy EFDA activities and plans –JET –ITER Physics –Power Plant Physics and Technology Conclusions

F Romanelli 3 (19)2 December 2010 Challenges of the ITER era ITER preparation –A full scientific return must be obtained out of the investment in ITER. This requires an adequate preparation through the accompanying programme. The collaboration with the other ITER parties is sought. Power plant –The foundation for the Power Plant must be laid down now to make full use of the expertise arising from the ITER construction and allow a fast realization of fusion as energy source. Optimization of resources –Resources directed towards ITER construction mobilize between 450 and 700 ppy/y. Large impact on the individual Associations programme. This calls for an increased integrations of the EU Associations.

F Romanelli 4 (19)2 December 2010 European Fusion Development Agreement (EFDA) Agreement between all EU fusion labs and Euratom Coordinated research (physics in support to ITER, longer term technology) and JET Garching (D) and Culham(UK) Associations: European Fusion Laboratories associated to Euratom through “Contracts of Association” The overall fusion programme is coordinated in the frame of EURATOM Joint Undertaking for ITER “Fusion for Energy” (F4E) Domestic Agency to provide and manage EU contribution to ITER EU Contribution to Broader Approach Located in Spain (Barcelona) Organization of EU programme

F Romanelli 5 (19)2 December 2010 Collective use of JET (~60M€/y operation + ~5M€/y exploitation + enhancements) Coordination of focussed physics and technology activities (~5M€/y priority support mobilizing ~25M€/y) Training (goal ~ new trainee/y) EU contributions to international collaborations outside F4E All EU Laboratories/Institutions working on Fusion are parties to EFDA EFDA

F Romanelli 6 (19)2 December 2010 Overall research strategy Report of the CCE-FU Working Group on JET and the Accompanying Programm

F Romanelli 7 (19)2 December years objectives Secure ITER operations –Several robust, low risk, high performance operating scenarios for ITER that meet and in some cases exceed baseline requirements. At least some scenarios should be capable of long pulse operation, allowing an extrapolation to DEMO. –Capability/tools for accurate predictive modelling of ITER performance. These tools must integrate models of confinement, stability, energetic particle physics and wall interaction. Their validation should be prime programmatic objectives of the accompanying facilities. –Any satellite facilities that are necessary to support ITER operations. Prepare “Generation ITER” –A cadre of experienced machine operators and fusion scientists to form the core European presence on ITER. Lay the foundations for Fusion Power Plants –A conceptual DEMO design taking into account tokamak and stellarator options, including viable solutions for the physics questions that are vital for DEMO. –Proven concepts for power plant enabling and availability technologies, along with the appropriate test facilities for the qualification of these technologies and the materials needed for DEMO. –Understanding of stellarator stability, energy and fast particle confinement in view of reactor-relevant plasmas 10 years objectives achieved through the implementation of three EFDA activities –JET –ITER Physics –Power Plant Physics and Technologies (3PT)

F Romanelli 8 (19)2 December 2010 JET The JET programme is strongly focussed on the consolidation of the ITER design choices and the preparation of ITER operations. ITER-like Ion Cyclotron antenna ITER-like wall project High frequency pellet injector pellet

F Romanelli 9 (19)2 December 2010 JET capital investments A large investment (60M€ of industrial contracts) has been made to enhance JET capabilities that will fully come to fruition at the beginning of 2011 Original investment in and subsequent upgrades of the JET Facilities (M€ of year) Number of JET discharges with beam power >22MW I p [MA] Time [s] m -3 Joint Undertaking EFDA

F Romanelli 10 (19)2 December 2010 JET recent results Effect on confinement of toroidal magnetic field ripple assessed (unique JET capability). Normalized energy confinement time ρ* (inverse size) Ripple (%) Normalized energy confinement time High confinement in “hybrid” regimes extended towards ITER normalized Larmor radius Fractional ELM losses (%) Frequency (Hz) Different mitigation of Edge Localized Modes investigated and heat loads characterized in ITER relevant conditions

F Romanelli 11 (19)2 December 2010 ITER-like-wall ITER plans to install a Beryllium first wall and Tungsten divertor for the Tritium phase –This material mix has not been tested so far JET is the only machine that can use Beryllium and that can fully characterize plasma scenarios with ITER plasma facing materials. Can we install in ITER a W divertor from the beginning? ITER needs an answer by An ITER-like wall is being inserted in JET in 2010 In addition –Increase NB heating power from 20MW short pulse to 30MW long pulse (routine) –Improve control capability –Improve diagnostics ITER W CFC JET

F Romanelli 12 (19)2 December 2010 Reference Scenario Coherent approach in a multi-annual “JET programme in support of ITER” based on the full exploitation of the ITER –like-Wall 1. Experimentation with an ITER-like-Wall ( ) 2. Develop plasma scenarios approaching ITER relevant conditions (2013) 3. Integrated experimentation in deuterium-tritium ( ) J. Paméla, Fusion Engineering Design, 2007 Fusion Facilities Review, 2008

F Romanelli 13 (19)2 December 2010 Fusion power has been produced on JET 25MW of auxiliary power to heat the plasma

F Romanelli 14 (19)2 December 2010 Alternative scenario operation beyond 2015 After the test of the ITER-like wall and in parallel with DT operations JET can develop the ITER preparation by further enhancing its capabilities This scenario has been recommended by the 2008 Facility Review Panel. Two feasibility studies have been completed –A 10MW ECRH system for central H&CD and NTM control (in collaboration with Russia). –A set of Resonant Magnetic Perturbation coils for ELM control (in collaboration with US) Alternative scenario requires prolongation by at least three years of JET and substantial capital investment (~20M€ for RMP and ~ 50-55M€ for ECRH) This scenario is possible only with substantial contributions from International Collaborators.

F Romanelli 15 (19)2 December 2010 ITER Physics Integrated Tokamak Modelling –Aiming at achieving the 2011 project milestone corresponding to whole device modelling capability including comprehensive core- edge coupling and first principles elements. –Longer term aim is to produce a complete modelling platform and integrated modelling structure for fusion plasmas capable of full range whole device modelling as well as detailed physics studies employing a comprehensive range of validated physics models. –8 different projects: MHD equilibrium, stability&disruption, transport&discharge evolution, transport processes&microinstabilities, HCD&fast particles, ITER scenario modelling, atomic,molecular,nuclear&surface data, experimentalists&diagnosticians resource group, infrastructure and SW integration –Modelling effort presently receiving about 700k€ Priority Support (mobilizing resources for about 3.5M€) –High Performance Computing Facilities (100Tflop/s in Julich). New computer (1Pflop/s in Rokkasho) under Broader Approach to become available in 2012.

F Romanelli 16 (19)2 December 2010 ITER Physics Plasma Wall Interaction –6 Special Expert Working Groups: Fuel retention, fuel removal methods, dusts, erosion/transport and deposition, liquid PFCs, disruption mitigation and transient heat loads. –750M€ PS mobilizing about 3.8M€ resources Physics Topical Activities –Coordinated experiments in the area of MHD, Transport, HCD&F and Diagnostics MHD (MHD RT control, 3D fields and flows, fast particles) Transport (LH transition, turbulent electron/impurity transport, rotation, edge transport) HCD&F (reliability of ICRH, LHCD,ECRH/ECCD, rotation, fuelling) Diagnostics (burning plasma, PFCs protection, edge, new concepts, data analysis) –1100M€ PS mobilizing about 5.5M€ resources Satellite machine(s) –Preparation of the exploitation of JT60-SA –Assessment/design of a EU satellite machine following the outcome of the gap analysis for the Power Plant activities

F Romanelli 17 (19)2 December 2010 Power Plant Physics & Technology Definition of the design requirements, standards, design inputs, design rules including the physics basis for the design of a fusion power plant; Development of pre-conceptual design options for a fusion power plant including those associated with the stellarator line; Identification of the priorities for the R&D activities needed for the design of a fusion power plant and of the gaps in the programme (material development facilities, CTF, etc.); Execution of the R&D activities needed for the qualification of the relevant technologies for the construction of a fusion power plant; Conceptual design of a demonstration fusion power plant. The European obligations arising from the participation to the BA-IFERC project will remain responsibility of F4E.

F Romanelli 18 (19)2 December 2010 Power Plant Physics & Technology Workprogramme for 2011 under review by the EU Fusion Committees Material development (ODS, W&W alloys and SiC/SiC) and modelling mobilize about 3M€ of resources) The period will be mainly devoted to the selection and assessment of the system codes, the pre- conceptual design and the review of the R&D needs and the gaps in the programme. Sustained investment will be required on the time scale of FP8.

F Romanelli 19 (19)2 December 2010 Conclusions EFDA is supporting the EU fusion system to face the challenges of the ITER era. Two programmatic priorities –ITER preparation –Power Plant foundation Three areas of implementation –JET –ITER Physics –Power Plant Physics and Technology EFDA welcomes an increased collaboration with US laboratories

F Romanelli 20 (19)2 December 2010 Fusion Facility Review