Storms and Flooding across Aberdeenshire December 2012 Stephen Archer, Director of Infrastructure Services William Munro, Area Manager (Kincardine & Mearns)
Flood protection since 2009 Information gathering (Sept 2009 – 2010) Emergency works undertaken (Nov 2009 – 2010) Capacity study commissioned (2010) Interlocking barriers purchased (2010) Continued engagement with communities (ongoing since 2009)
Flood protection since 2009 Flood gates and flood vents made available at reduced cost (Ongoing since 2010) Improved emergency flood plans to deal with flooding across Aberdeenshire developed (2010 – 2011) Removed log weir (Oct 2011) Bervie Braes – cost £3m (commenced Mar 2012 and completed Nov 2012)
Flood protection since 2009 Availability of sandbags (since 2010) Improved monitoring of river levels including the installation of river level gauges (2011) Helped develop the flood warden scheme (ongoing since 2011) Outcome of study identified 6 options (Jan 2012)
Next Steps JBA Flooding Specialist commission extended to include latest flood paths Flood mechanism was different to the previous flooding in 2009 JBA Flooding commission extended to recommend a final choice scheme Take forward Arbuthnott drain proposals
Next Steps Confirm Preferred Scheme (June 2013) Outline Scheme Design (March 2014) Controlled Activities Licence (July 2014) Council Approves Detailed Scheme Preparation (July 2014) Council Approves Detailed Scheme (December 2014) Tender Phase(Feb 2015) Land Negotiations (Feb 2015)
Promotion of a Flood Prevention Scheme (1 of 2)
Promotion of a Flood Prevention Scheme (2 of 2)
Our response to the coastal storm 14/15 Dec 2012 Flood Guidance Statement Extreme simultaneous combination of tide, onshore wind and low pressure Sandbags deployed, transport arranged, rest centre opened and support provided by H&SW Evacuees taken to St Bridget’s Hall Road crews assessed damage early morning Information & support provided Recovery teams established Clean up and restoration of shingle levels
Our response to the flooding How we respond in the lead up to a potential incident Aberdeenshire was widely affected by the weather on the 22 nd /23 rd December Council resources were put under huge demand to respond to the 33 incidents reported across Aberdeenshire
Our response in Stonehaven Friday 21 st December –Precautionary measures put in place Flood barriers put in situ to be ready if needed Stocks of sandbags made ready Flood wardens alerted Monitoring of the weather
Saturday 22 nd December –Ongoing river monitoring continued in conjunction with SEPA –Flood barriers were put in place –Sandbags delivered to pre-agreed locations –Flood wardens activated –The data from monitoring and at site showed the river level as dropping
Carron River measured water levels at Green Bridge 23 rd December 2012
Measured 15 minute rainfall totals Stonehaven Harbour 23 rd December 2012
Sunday 23 rd December –River levels began rising very rapidly –Police had lead responsibility for the operation on the ground –Rest centre at Mackie Academy –On-site clear up began as soon as waters receded –The clean up and ongoing response to all incidents continues across Aberdeenshire –Flood Relief Group