Earth Changes
Vocabulary landformsweatheringerosionlandslidevolcano depositionearthquakeepicenterfault
Earth changes can be… sloworrapid
Some slow Earth changes are weathering and erosion.
Weather can be physical or chemical and is caused by temperature changes, water, ice, chemicals, and other living things. Physical weathering only changes the size of a rock.
Chemical weathering changes rocks into different materials when they are broken into smaller pieces. Chemical weathering can be caused by chemicals in rainwater, from animals and plants, or from people in the environment. As landforms are chemically or physically weathered, erosion and deposition change/create landforms.
Erosion can be caused by wind, water, ice, and gravity. Erosion carries parts of landforms away from their original position and creates new landforms through deposition.
Deposition is the laying down of pieces of rock during erosion. Deposition can be caused by wind, water, or gravity.
Some rapid Earth changes are volcanoes and earthquakes. Gravity can also cause rapid Earth changes when they cause a sudden landslide or avalanche.