200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt 200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt 200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt 200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt 200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt Earth CrustRocksIrruptionsMisc.
What is the thinnest layer of the earth?
The crust
Which layer is made of melted rock?
The Mantle
Name the theory that suggests that the crust is moving.
Plate Techtonics
Why is the earth’s crust cracked and moving?
Because of all the heat and pressure within the earth.
Describe what you would find if you could dig a tunnel to the center of the earth.
The first layer is the cold, thin crust made of rocks. The second, and largest layer, the mantle, is very hot with melted rocks. The third layer is the outer core made of liquid iron. Finally, I would reach the center when I hit a solid ball of flaming iron. Of course, the deeper I went the hotter it was and the greater the pressure became.
What is weathering?
The natural wearing down and breaking up of materials due to the weather.
What is erosion?
The carrying away of weathered materials.
What is the difference between the Oceanic crust and the Continental Crust?
The Oceanic crust is thinner and found underneath the oceans. The Continental Crust is much thicker and carries a continent on it.
What causes erosion and weathering?
Moving water Wind Ice Gravity People, plants, and animals
What can farmers do to prevent erosion?
Keep something planted at all times. Use contour farming techniques. Rotate crops to protect the nutrients within the ground.
What is the rock cycle?
A map that shows how rocks are made and changed.
What occurs when lava or magma are cooled?
Igneous rocks are formed.
Which type of rock would not exist without weathering and deposition?
Sedimentary Rock.
What happens to rocks when they are exposed to great pressure and heat?
They change into metamorphic rocks.
What type of rocks are limestone, sandstone, and shale?
Sedimentary Rocks.
Where is lava found?
Outside the crust.
What is magma?
Melted rocks inside the mantle.
Name the line where volcanoes and earthquakes occur.
A fault line.
What occurs when plates shift?
Where is crustal plate material being created?
Along divergent boundaries like the mid-ocean ridges.
What type of rock are fossils found in?
Why are fossils important?
They tell how the earth has changed.
What is run off?
Water that does not soak into the ground as ground water, but flows over the surface and back to the ocean.
What and where is the San Andreas Fault?
It is a sliding boundary fault in California.
Name the scientist who developed the theory of Plate Tectonics.
Alfred Wegener.