Catherine Period 4
Sneaker. Bright, colorful. Walks, jogs, runs. Large, giving steps energy. Shoe. The Sneaker (a parts of speech poem)
I look out my window. I stare, Watch, and patiently wait. Then I see two bright lights in the driveway. Mother is here. Arrival (a verbs at work poem)
I look at the sky, Wondering why cotton balls Float up oh so high. Cotton Balls (a haiku)
The Kite (a shape poem)
BOOM! And I turn to the window. What on earth could’ve made that horrible noise? Was it a gun? Or an explosion? Or…or… My imagination has taken over. It was merely the T.V. The old, broken, unplugged T.V. Wait a minute… Wait a Minute… (a free verse poem)
She is the sun on a warm day She is the penny you find on the sidewalk She is a good joke on a bad day She is a glass of water on a hot day She is that hard-to-put-down book She is a well-deserved lunch break She is the teacher that gives easy homework She is the apple on the teacher’s desk She is my favorite television show She is a get-out-of-health-class-free pass My Friend (a some of my best friends are metaphors poem)
(of the perfectly poetic poetry)