What are Landforms?
What are landforms? Landforms are the natural shapes or features of land. There are many different types of landforms found on the earth.
3 Types of Plains Grasslands Tundra Desert
Mountains A mountain is a place on Earth’s surface that is much higher than the land around it. Tallest ones are called mountains. Middle-sized ones are called hills. Foothills are the shortest!!
Streams of Water Rivers are long, large streams of water Creeks are middle-sized streams. Brooks are small streams.
Lakes and Ponds Lakes and ponds are completely surrounded by land. Ponds are smaller than lakes.
Islands How are islands and continents alike? How are islands and continents different? Australia from space
Peninsulas A large piece of land that sticks far out into the water. A peninsula has water on all but one sides. Florida is a peninsula
Valleys Spaces between mountains. Are very wide. Valley Steep valleys are called canyons.