Essential Questions How do parts of animals help them to adapt to their environment? Why do organisms become extinct? What occurs at each stage of development in complete and incomplete metamorphosis? What are the roles of the producers, consumers, and decomposers in a food chain? How does the flow of energy go through a food chain? How will changes in the environment affect a community of organisms?
Vocabulary Adaption Habitat, niche Migration Mimicry Nocturnality Hibernation
Animal Adaptations Animals have different body structures that help them survive in different environments. These are called_____________. Adaptations
Some types of body adaptations are_________________. Camouflage, thickened fur, large eyes, mimicry, hollow bones, beaks, specialized feet, talons, claws, etc.
How does a polar bears fur color help him in an Arctic environment? Their white fur helps them camouflage themselves in the snow. Their thick fur helps keep the warm.
What are claws-talons for? To hold onto branches or tear apart food.
What happens to plants and animals if they cannot adapt to a new or change in the environment? They will not survive (die).
Some types of behavior adaptations are_________________. Migration, mimicry, hibernation, nocturnality
Why do ducks migrate? To find food in warmer areas.
Vocabulary Complete metamorphosis Incomplete metamorphosis
Animals that change form in different stages of their life cycle go through __________. Metamorphosis
Complete metamorphosis has _______ stages. 4 Egg, larva, pupa, and adult omp.htm omp.htm
Incomplete metamorphosis has_____ stages. 3 Egg, nymph, adult
Gives some examples of animals that go through metamorphosis. Frogs and butterflies and potato beetle
Butterfly cycle
What happens in the cocoon stage? New body parts of the butterfly are formed.
Vocabulary Food chain producer Consumer Decomposer Fungi Algae Scavenger Predator Prey
All food chains begin with ________. Producers
Producers make their own _______. food
Producers use a process called ________ to create their own food. photosynthesis
Food chains show the flow of ______. energy
Put these components of the food chain in order. Carnivore Herbivore Producer Decomposer Producer----herbivore----carnivore---- decomposer
Put these components of the food chain in order. Carnivore Algae herbivore Decomposer Algae----herbivore----carnivore----decomposer
Food chains end with the ________ that in turn adds nutrients to the soil. decomposer
Some examples of decomposers are ____________. Worms, millipedes, maggots, and fungi.
Vocabulary germination photosynthesis pollination chlorophyll respiration vertebrate Invertebrate
What types of adaptations help a cacti survive? Their spines protect them from animals trying to eat them. Their make up holds water. They have thick, waxy skin.
How do animals ensure their existence? reproduce
Animals help in the process of _________ and seed disbursement of plants. pollination
Essential Questions How do we classify plants and animals? What makes up the body? How are animals grouped? How are the structures of the animal and plant cell similar? How are the structures of the animal cell and plant cell different?
Vocabulary cell tissue organs Organ systems (body systems) organisms
How do we observe cells? microscope
__________ are the building blocks of all living things. Cells
Put these in order Organs, cells, tissue, organ systems (body systems) Cells-----tissues-----organ-----organ systems
Another word for organ systems is ________. Body systems
Organ systems work together to carry out all ________________. Body functions
Put these in orders Population, organisms, community, ecosystems Organisms-----populations----- communities-----ecosystems
Vocabulary population community ecosystem
Vocabulary Classification endotherm ectotherm Bacteria Algae Animalia Plantae Protista Fungi Archaebacteria Eubacteria
Put in the correct column Birds, insects, arthropods, reptiles, jellyfish, amphibians, worms, fish, mammals, insects, snails Vertebrates Invertebrates Birdsinsects Reptiles arthropods Amphibiansjellyfish Fishworms Mammalssnails
Put in the correct column reptiles, mammals, fish, birds Endotherms Ectotherms birdsfish mammals reptiles
Is a snake an ectotherm or endotherm? ectotherm
Name all the Kingdoms
The first order of classification taxonomy is ___________. Kingdom
Members of the Plantea kingdom __________. Create their own food using photosynthesis.
Humans are members of the _______ kingdom. Animalia
Mushrooms belong to the ________ kingdom. Fungi
Essential Questions What are geological features? Which geological features are located in North and South Poles? What are some landform processes? How can a force be both destructive and constructive at the same time? How are canyons formed?
Vocabulary erosion beaches Ocean ridges Continental shelf plateaus faults canyons Sand dunes Ice caps Plains Glacier delta
Dry land and ocean floors are _________________ constantly changing over time.
_______________ and _____________ change Earth’s land and ocean floors. Volcanoes and earthquakes
_____________ is the movement of rock material from one place to another. Erosion
_____________ is the slow wearing away of rock into smaller pieces. Weathering
_______ ______ includes all dry land as well as the ocean floor. Earth’s crust
_____________ are geological features of Earth. Landforms
Most landforms can be found all around the world (globally), but others are found in specific areas. Example-____ ___ are found only at the North and South Poles. Ice caps
Landforms can be changed by ________, ________, _______, and ________. Landslides, water erosion, wind erosion, and earthquakes
___ _____ _____ was formed by water erosion. The Grand Canyon
Beaches are protected from erosion by ______ _______. sand dunes, barrier islands
Glaciers, deltas, and canyons are types of __________. landforms
The ring of fire is a chain of volcanoes formed by ________. Faults or plate tectonics
_____ of the Earth is water. 70%