Mrs. Marcie Ackell Red Phoenix Team Language Arts and Science Room 205
The preferred way to communicate with myself is via , but may leave a voic . Please make sure contact information is always up to date on your child’s information sheet. Welcome !
Be sure to read either the overhead or board to have materials ready for the beginning of class. Materials – in place and ready for class when the bell rings. - Missing any materials – unprepared for class Planners-All assignments and important information recorded daily as directed Daily Procedures
Each Marking Period Two Performance Tasks One Close Reading Each week students will have at least three reflective writing pieces
Science In Science we use the hands on kits called FOSS as well as informational readers and packets. We have 5 learning maps (overall topics of study).
Nature and Inquiry of Science Key learning: Understand and apply the scientific method to real life problems. Nature of Science Nature of Science Scientific Method Scientific Method Gathering Data Gathering Data Design Process Design Process Foss kit used: Models and Designs Major Assessment: Rube Goldberg Project, Nature and Inquiry of Science test
Matter and it’s Interactions Key learning: understand the atom is the basic building block of all matter, distinguish properties of solids, liquids, and gases. Building blocks of matter Building blocks of matter Characteristics of matter Characteristics of matter Properties of matter Properties of matter Changes in matter Changes in matter
Forces of Motion Key Learning: understand the forces that cause changes in motion. Foss Kits used: Levers and Pulleys Major assessments: Levers and Pulleys Project, Simple Machines and Models and Designs Test, Amusement Park Project, Catapult Project, Newton’s Laws/Forces of Motion Unit Test, etc.
From Cells to Organisms Key Learning: understand that all organisms are made up of cells, classify organisms, and distinguish the difference between classes of organisms. Foss Kit used: Diversity of Life Major Assessments: Diversity of Life Test Part 1, Building a Cell Project, Kingdoms of Life Project, Diversity of Life Test Part 2
Earth’s Structure and Place in the Universe Key Learning: understand the structure, composition, and features of objects that orbit the sun and understand the natural processes and different land uses affect the layers of the atmosphere and the earth. Planetary objects Planetary objects Earth and atmosphere Earth and atmosphere Natural processes Natural processes Landforms, soil, and land use Landforms, soil, and land use Land use effects on landforms Land use effects on landforms
Assignments – full name and date - follow directions - follow directions - complete and neat - point system – all home work assignments/points Late/missed assignments- District Policy : The earned percentage rate will be reduced by 10% for the first day, 20% for the second day, 30% for the third day, and 0% on the fourth day. Late/missed assignments- District Policy : The earned percentage rate will be reduced by 10% for the first day, 20% for the second day, 30% for the third day, and 0% on the fourth day. * Example- If a student earns an 80% on the assignment and it is one day late, the final grade will be a 70%, with two days late 60%, and with three days late 50%. After three school days, late work will no longer be accepted.
Daily Materials – journals, packet(s), planner, homework, and sharpened pencils - Notes -Labs-Homework-Projects-Quizzes/Tests Science
Secondary report card is used Grades are reported as percent There is one grade for Science: Test.50 Test.50 Quiz.25 Quiz.25 Classwork.15 Classwork.15 Homework.05 Homework.05 Lab.05 Lab.05 Science Grades
Homework: Daily Calendar – on our Team’s website HW Buddy – absent from school Student is responsible for obtaining missed assignments Misc.
The best way to contact me: Telephone: Ext to leave voic . Calls will be returned as soon as possible, usually at the end of the day. Telephone: Ext to leave voic . Calls will be returned as soon as possible, usually at the end of the day. Thank You for Coming !