Tackling Deprivation and raising standards Ysgol Bryn Elian Colwyn Bay.
School Context English medium school. Est. 670 pupils by 2013 880 pupils, 60 teaching staff. 22% fsm, higher than national ave. Deprivation an increasing problem in the area and with economic crisis. 41% current Y9 and Y10 reading and spelling difficulties on entry One feeder primary 67% fsm. Pupils’ aspirations and confidence. New leadership team 2008
Challenges faced Deprivation Reputation Aspirations Literacy standards Exams outcomes Behaviour
Strategy “Achievement for All”. Raise aspirations. Start with the child. Strengthen learning culture. Build capacity of staff expertise Strategic, planned, costed actions. Close scrutiny of data. Attendance
Specific Actions Improving the quality of teaching and learning. High quality CPD. (IIP gold) Thinking Skills. Literacy agenda Classroom focus. PM
Specific Actions Services to Pupils Learning Managers and Mentors Learning Mentors. Specialist training. Mentoring and Thinking skills Segmentation of data Behaviour planning Strong focus on learning
Specific Actions. Attendance Holistic. Mapped and tracked. Traffic light system and regular panels. Targeted interventions. First day absence calling and escort service particularly for vulnerable groups.
Specific Actions. Attendance Consistent message. Interesting lessons. Multiple school based experts. Communication within and outside school. Rewards
Specific Actions. Raising Aspirations Pupil Support Centre & the BUD programme. Advanced use of PASS and other soft skills analysis tools TOPS programme Duke of Edinburgh Award Stars in our eyes, The voice, YBE’s got talent, band nights, rock nights
Specific Actions. Raising Aspirations Our own School Counsellor/ Youth Service Innovative rewards programme Madagascar – A unifying experience to engage all pupils Motivational speakers/ Awards evenings