Open House W elcome to Second Grade Mrs. Denton
Introduction 2nd year at Plumb Elementary 29 th year teaching (26 in Pinellas) Teacher on Special Assignment for 3 years Graduate of USF (masters degree also at USF) Married 2 sons
Expectations Teach and reinforce organizational skills Follow school/classroom rules Aligning our classroom process to prepare for a smooth transition to 3 rd grade
Attendance Procedures Students are required to come to school every day Tardies Absences (note required) Attendance Problems reported to State Attorneys Office
Flow of The Day 8:20-8:40Arrival and WPNN 8:45-9:45 Writing 9:45-10:50Math 10:50-11:25P.E. 11:30-12:00 Lunch/Walk and Talk 12:00-1:30Reading Workshop 1:30-1:40Teacher Read Aloud 1:40-2:40Science/Social Studies/Health Specials Monday (8:45-9:25) Music Monday (1:55-2:35)P.E. Tuesday (12:35-1:150Computer Lab Friday (1:55-2:35) Art Please make sure your child wears or brings tennis shoes for PE each day!
Writing Everyday Mini-lessons, Conferences, Sharing Writing will begin to be focused, organized, and contain supporting details Sharing and celebration with whole group and small group
Social Studies, Science, and Health Alternate subjects Textbooks as well as hands on activities Integration with other subjects –Non-fiction reading –Math
Reading Fab 5 Phonemic Awareness Phonics Vocabulary Comprehension Fluency Integration of all subjects McMillan textbook Reading Day Read Aloud, Independent Reading, Vocabulary, Making Meaning, Word Work, Fluency work, and Small Group Instruction
Computers Computers will be used in the classroom and the computer lab Consent form mandatory Only approved websites –MathHarcourt, Riverdeep, and FasttMath –ReadingRiverdeep –Science and Social Studies projects –Writing assignments –Educational Games
Economics Project Supplies Needed: large beads, needle nose pliers, charms, keychain hooks, etc. Volunteers week of Sept. 29- Oct. 3 to help sell Tie in with recycling
Grading Policy E(Excellent) 89-80V(Very Good) 79-70S(Satisfactory) 69-60N(Needs Improvement) 59-0U(Unsatisfactory) Test scores below an S: Please review with your child so that we know they understand the concepts taught.
Assessments Observation/Conferences, Work Projects, Performance Assessments and Effort Written Tests –Writing, Math, and Reading Common Assessments
School and Classroom Rules »Plumb Elementary School Rules Be Responsible Be Safe Be Kind »Classroom Rules Only talk when no one else is talking. Pay attention and be a good listener. Use the bathroom only when the teacher is not teaching. Keep hands and feet to yourself.
Our Jobs Venn Diagram –Student –Teacher –Parent
Classroom Behavior Plan Much positive reinforcement Dentonville Mini-Economy with pay for good work with completion and behavior. We will charge for unacceptable work/behavior
Homework Homework is due the following school day, unless specified Reinforcement Communication to parents Homework Policy
Portfolios Showcases students growth and see progress Holds students best work Shared at student-led conference
Textbook Policy All textbooks provided by Pinellas County School Board Math, Handwriting, SS and Science workbooks are consumable Hardcover books are to be used outside of the classroom when necessary and returned in good condition Pay for any unreturned/damaged books
Classroom Meetings Friday afternoons Class Meeting and Store Plus/Delta Chart Idea Bin Friday Box Students and teachers thoughts of the week
Communication Planner/Agenda Book Notes (Please remember notes for absences or it is unexcused) is Telephone number at Plumb is
Conferences Parent-Teacher Conferences will be scheduled in the Fall Student-led conference in the Spring I usually schedule conferences after school. If you need a morning conference please let me know in writing so that I will make a morning time for you when I am scheduling. Thank you
Adopt-a-Class Very easy and beneficial way to help your childs class Donations of $150(+-) or more Books on CD for class library, field trips, Small CD players, Leap Pads with Leap Pad games, Math Games, etc. Share the donation with several families or your place of business
Parent Teacher Association Please join to help our students $4/person –Parents –Grandparents –Businesses Purchase many items for the classrooms Extra-curricular activities
Volunteers MUST be registered Lend a helping hand Work with students in the classroom Field Trips Work at home
Please do the following before you go… Look around your childs class Write a note to your child and leave it on their desk Please be sure you signed in Thanks so much for coming I love your children already…you are awesome parents!