Folkert Klemme, Data Access Corporation
Agenda. 1. Business Aspects 2. Overview Internet Technology 3. MS Internet Information Server with ASP 4. The DataFlex WebApp Server 5. Development of WebApps
Business Aspects. Internet Applications A Technology Shift ? Like DOS to Windows Delay with Y2000 / Euro Internet is the strategic Goal !
Imagine the Possibilities. Commercial Applications Business Information Applications Dynamic Content Publishing
E-Commerce. Any type of commercial applications or just Online Shopping Less Business-to-Consumer More Business-to-Business
Business Information Systems. Information Distribution Communities Portal Application Internet Relationship Management One-to-One Marketing Your Ideas in the Internet
Dynamic Content Publishing. Authoring Server More than 90% of the Web Sites contain pure HTML Web Functionality Forum FAQ Dealer List Download Area
Base Technology. TCP/IP HTTP, FTP, SMTP, POP3 HTTP-Server Clients: Netscape Navigator Internet Explorer Transfering HTML Pages Header Body
HTTP Communication.
Communication II.
Dynamic WebApps. CGI, ISAPI Java Applets JavaScript, JScript, VBScript Client- or Server-side Scripts Active Server Pages (ASP)
WebApp Architecture I. Approach CGI / ISAPI Develope WebApp from the scratch Languages: C, Pearl ? DBMS Access via ? Standards ? Extremly high Resources Two-Tier Architecture ? Session starts a process Dont reinvent the wheel
WebApp Architecture II. Approach Java Two or Three-Tier Architecture DBMS, Java/Server, Java/Client Standards ? Extremly high Resources Server: NetDynamics, Silverstream
WebApp Architecture III. Approach Server-side Scripting proprietary Script- or Markup Language Limited to Two-Tier Architecture very often ODBC Interface (Unix ?) Server: Tango, Cold Fusion
WebApp Architecture IV. DataFlex WebApp Server Server-side Scripting via ASP Web Business Process Objects Three-Tier Architecture Direct Database Driver Unlimited Database Supporting all Standards
WebApp Architecture I.
DataFlex WBPO. Subclass of Business Process Contains DD-Structure Functions, Procedures Methods RequestSave, RequestDelete, RequestFind, RequestClear, DoProcess, DFFunc Property DDValue
WebApp in Details.
The DataFlex WebApp Server. Advantages Standard Internet Technology for Internet Functionality... ... extended by DataFlex for Database & Business Functionality No “Not possible” Transparent and portable access to the Database Unlimited Database included Offline Applications with the same Tool
DataFlex WebApp Server. Windows NT 4 MS Internet Information Server 4 Visual DataFlex 5.1 or higher DataFlex Web App Server Development License
Internet Information Server. FTP Server HTTP Server CGI Interface ISAPI Interface Active Server Pages
Active Server Pages. The meaning of Script Languages Objects, Methods, Functions Objekte Response & Request HTML Forms Tuesday 10:50 am
Web Application. 1. Develope a WBPO as VDF WebView (WVW) 2. Compile VDF Web Project 3. Start VDF Web Project 4. Create a virtual Directory (AppHTML) 5. Define WBPO as COMWBPO in GLOBAL.ASA 6. ASP can access COMWBPO
D ata F lex WebApp S erver. No special demand to the Client Real Thin-Client Technology Supports classic and Internet Applications Supports all major Databases (native Driver) Works as Add-On for every DB-Application