Smalltalk - Just-in-time compilation 1 Just-in-time compilation
Interpreter (computing) - Just-in-time compilation 1 Further blurring the distinction between interpreters, byte-code interpreters and compilation is just-in-time compilation (or JIT), a technique in which the intermediate representation is compiled to native machine code at runtime
Interpreter (computing) - Just-in-time compilation 1 Just-in-time compilation has gained mainstream attention amongst language implementers in recent years, with Java, the.NET Framework and most modern JavaScript implementations now including JITs.
Augmented learning - Just-in-time understanding and learning 1 Snyder and Wilson[ ments/Computer%20Augmented%20Lear ning.pdf Computer Augmented Learning: The Basis of Sustained Knowledge Management] assert that just-in-time learning is not sufficient. Long-term learning demands continuous training should be individualized and built upon individual competencies and strengths.
Just-in-time (business) 1 [ time-a-review-of-just-in-time-production- strategy/ Is Forecasting a Waste of Time?], Supply Chain Management Review, July/August
Just-in-time (business) - Philosophy 1 In short, the Just-in-Time inventory system focus is having “the right material, at the right time, at the right place, and in the exact amount”, without the safety net of inventory. The JIT system has broad implications for implementers.
Just-in-time (business) - Transaction cost approach 1 JIT helps in keeping inventory to minimum in a firm. However, a firm may simply be outsourcing their input inventory to suppliers, even if those suppliers don't use Just-in-Time (Naj 1993). Newman (1994) investigated this effect and found that suppliers in Japan charged JIT customers, on average, a 5% price premium.
Just-in-time (business) - Effects 1 The just-in-time philosophy was also applied to other segments of the supply chain in several types of industries. In the commercial sector, it meant eliminating one or all of the warehouses in the link between a factory and a retail establishment. Examples in sales, marketing, and customer service involve applying information systems and mobile hardware to deliver customer information as needed, and reducing waste by video conferencing to cut travel time.
Just-in-time (business) - Within a JIT system 1 Just-in-time is a means to improving performance of the system, not an end.
Just-in-time 1 * Just-in-time compilation, a method to improve the runtime performance of computer programs
Just-in-time compilation 1 In computing, 'just-in-time compilation' ('JIT'), also known as 'dynamic translation', is compiler|compilation done during execution of a program – at Run time (program lifecycle phase)|run time – rather than prior to execution. Most often this refers to translation to machine code, which is then executed directly, but can also refer to translation to another format.
Just-in-time compilation - Overview 1 This can be done per-file, per-function or even on any arbitrary code fragment; the code can be compiled when it is about to be executed (hence the name just-in- time), and then cached and reused later without needing to be recompiled.
Just-in-time compilation - Overview 1 With just-in-time compilation in many cases this processing can be moved out of loops, often giving large increases of speed.
Just-in-time compilation - Startup delay and optimizations 1 Still another uses the number of times executed combined with the detection of loops.Toshio Suganuma, Toshiaki Yasue, Motohiro Kawahito, Hideaki Komatsu, Toshio Nakatani, A dynamic optimization framework for a Java just-in-time compiler, Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object-oriented programming, systems, languages, and applications (OOPSLA '01), pp
Just-in-time compilation - History 1 Self was abandoned by Sun, but the research went into the Java language. The term Just-in-time compilation was borrowed from the manufacturing term Just in time (business)|Just in time and popularized by Java, with James Gosling using the term from Currently JITing is used by most implementations of the Java Virtual Machine, as HotSpot builds on, and extensively uses, this research base.
Autonomation - Relationship with Just-in-Time 1 For Just-in-Time (JIT) systems, it is absolutely vital to produce with zero defects, or else these defects can disrupt the production process - or the orderly flow of work.
Java performance - Just-In-Time compilation 1 This had a large performance penalty of between a factor 10 and 20 for Java versus C in average applications. To combat this, a just-in-time (JIT) compiler was introduced into Java 1.1
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