ACCOUNTABILITY Answerable. Capable of being explained.
CHARACTER The combination of qualities or features that distinguishes one person, group, or thing from another.
CITIZENSHIP The status of a citizen with its attendant duties, rights, and privileges.
COOPERATION An act of cooperating. It is an association of persons for mutual benefit.
COMPASSION The deep feeling of sharing the suffering of another in the inclination to give aid or support, or to show mercy.
CREATIVITY Having the ability or power to create things
DEPENDABILITY Capable of being depended upon. Trustworthy.
DETERMINATION The act of making or arriving at a decision.
DILIGENCE Long steady application to ones occupation or studies; persistent effort.
ENDURANCE The act quality, or power of withstanding hardship or stress.
ENTHUSIASM Rapturous interest or excitement, a subject or activity that inspires a lively interest.
ETHICS The study of the general nature of morals and of the specific moral choices to be made by the individual in his relationship with others.
FAITH A confident belief in the truth, value, or trustworthiness of a person, idea or thing.
FORGIVENESS The act of forgiving; a pardon; Forgive means to excuse for a fault or offense.
HONOR Esteem; respect; reverence, a reputation good name, credit.
HONESTY The capacity or condition of being honest. Integrity. Trustworthiness.
HUMILITY The quality or condition of being humble; lack of pride; modesty
INTEGRITY Rigid adherence to a code of behavior; Probity. The state of being unimpaired; soundness. Completeness. Unity.
JUSTICE Moral rightness; equity; honor, fairness.
OBEDIENCE The quality or condition of being obedient; Obeying or carrying out a request, command, or the like.
PATRIOTISM A person who loves, supports, and defends his country.
PUNCTUALITY Act or arriving exactly at the time appointed; prompt.
RESPECT To feel or show esteem for; to honor; to show consideration for; avoid violation of.
RESPONSIBILITY The state, quality, or fact of being responsible; A thing or person that one is answerable for; a duty, obligation, or burden.
SELF-CONTROL Control of ones emotions, desires, or actions by ones own will.
SENSITIVITY The quality or condition of being sensitive; is usually employed for the personal tendency to be offended easily or to react readily to criticism.
SINCERITY The quality or condition of being sincere. Presenting no false appearance, not hypocritical; true.
TOLERANCE The capacity for or practice of allowing or respecting the nature, beliefs, or behavior of others; Leeway for variation from a standard.
TRUTHFULNESS Consistently telling the truth; honest.
VIRTUE The quality of moral excellence, righteousness, and responsibility; goodness.
DEFINITIONS These definitions came out of the Red American Heritage Dictionary.