12-Oct-15 The Tsunami Evaluation Coalition
12-Oct-15 The Tsunami Evaluation Coalition (TEC) January 2005: Several agencies discussed with ALNAP how to coordinate a tsunami evaluation effort to maximise learning while minimising duplication. February 2005: An ensuing meeting in Geneva led to the foundation of the TEC (guided by a CMG; hosted by ALNAP).
12-Oct-15 What are the TEC’s objectives? Level 1 Purpose To promote a sector wide approach to evaluations of tsunami response in order to optimise sector wide learning. Level 2 Purpose To develop and validate procedures for future establishment of such a coordination mechanism.
12-Oct-15 Who is in it? As with ALNAP the TEC includes: Bilateral Donors UN agencies NGOs and the Red Cross Movement
12-Oct-15 Type of participation? First level: Individual agency evaluations (reports for synthesis). Sharing ToRs and lessons (Online Forum: Evaluation map: who, what, where, when. Second level: Working together on five joint thematic evaluations (cross- cutting for all). Reducing number of agency evaluations (eg, OCHA, WHO, UNDP). Commitment to follow up on findings. Joint evaluations Managing Thematic Evaluations Steering Thematic Evaluations Supporting Thematic Evaluations
12-Oct-15 Five joint thematic evaluations Coordination (incl civil-military issues) Impact on local and national capacities Needs assessments Linking relief, rehabilitation and development (LRRD) Funding study Each thematic evaluation is financed by a series of bilateral donors, UN agencies, and - in some cases - NGOs and the Red Cross.
12-Oct-15 Particpation in Theme Groups Systemic & Cross-cutting ThemesSteering Group Membership Coordination (incl civil-military)OCHA (group lead) UNFPA USAID IFRC UNICEF Needs assessment WHO (co-lead) SDC (co-lead) FAO Funding studyDanida (group lead) Ireland Canada Germany Netherlands Australia Luxemburg Japan World Vision DARA Local / national capacities UNDP (group lead) AIDMI Cordaid ActionAid UNICEF LRRDSida (group lead) ECHO UNICEF OCHA
Significant new learning and accountability initiative: New model: multi-partner; decentralised & ‘distributed’. Paradigm shift towards joint evaluations / value added. Responsive to need to reduce evaluative burden.
12-Oct-15 How Jointly is ‘Joint’? Hybrid multi- partner (Distributed evaluation) Participation is open to all stakeholders (classic). Implementation is decentralised & distributed – ie, devolved to different partners in the evaluations. (lead agency; steering committee; working group) Various levels of linkage between separate but parallel and inter-related evaluations. Learning is synthesised at the central level.
12-Oct-15 The TEC timeline February Mar - Jul August Formation of TEC Formation of thematic groups and TOR Recruitment of teams and preparation SeptemberBriefing workshop for the evaluation teams in Geneva Sep - Nov Thematic studies field work TEC meeting in Copenhagen on utilisation & learning. NovemberPost-fieldwork workshop (London) Initial Draft Reports December February Publication of Initial Findings Teams meet to consolidate findings March July 14th Thematic studies finalised Final Synthesis Report Published (at ECOSOC)
12-Oct-15 Find out more at : http: //