: Packer Pick Jeopardy:
$2 $5 $10 $20 $1 $2 $5 $10 $20 $1 $2 $5 $10 $20 $1 $2 $5 $10 $20 $1 $2 $5 $10 $20 $1 Mind Games Phrase Replacement Meaning Missing Word Mixed Bag
particle $1
miniscule $2
clarion $5
incognito $10
cognizance $20
He wore a disguise to fool his wife at the party.
incognito $1
He played the ancient trumpet in the high school band.
clarion $2
Daily Double
The pieces of the atomic mass were blown into space.
particle $5
e.e. cummings wrote all his poems in this lower-case font.
miniscule $10
He was aware of the world around him.
cognizance $20
A medieval brass instrument.
clarion $1
A tiny piece of anything.
particle $2
Very small.
miniscule $5
Having knowledge of.
cognizance $10
Concealed identity.
incognito $20
The ____ accelerator enabled scientist to discover new worlds smaller than an atom.
particle $1
He blew a shrill tone with his new _________.
clarion $2
The amount of the sample was so ______ that a DNA match could not be made.
miniscule $5
The boss went to work ________ to see how his workers treated customers.
incognito $10
His ________ of the worlds beyond the Milky Way helped him believe in the after-life.
cognizance $20
His new invention caused the current music players look ancient.
antiquate $1
The black hole is an endless dark pit.
abyss $2
He could not get over the how much Scotts son looked like his uncle.
inescapable $5
The police officer warned the child not to cross the street.
admonish $10
He was ready to fight with anyone that did not agree with his theory.
bellicose $20
Electrons are these