Working Together for Greater UN Impact UN and Partners’ Alliance for livelihood based social protection for OVC RENEWAL 3 workshop - Johannesburg 14 March.


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Presentation transcript:

Working Together for Greater UN Impact UN and Partners’ Alliance for livelihood based social protection for OVC RENEWAL 3 workshop - Johannesburg 14 March 2007 Josee Koch

The Alliance - What is it? –Strategic and operational partnership amongst UN agencies, Governments and NGOs –Swaziland, Lesotho, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Mozambique and Tanzania

The Alliance; rationale Why an Alliance between UN, NGOs and Government? Southern Africa: triple threat; a humanitarian crisisSouthern Africa: triple threat; a humanitarian crisis –Chronic food insecurity, recurrent natural disasters –HIV epidemic –Weakened capacity for service delivery –A deadly mix; putting millions of people in an extremely vulnerable position Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC)Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) –2010: over 18 million children will have lost one or both parents as a consequence of the HIV epidemic. Millions more will be made vulnerable even before they become orphans; how will they secure their livelihood?

The Alliance; rationale Why an Alliance between UN, NGOs and Government? In 2005 UNICEF commissioned study on Social Protection and OVCIn 2005 UNICEF commissioned study on Social Protection and OVC –education, cash transfers and public works; the forth pillar of livelihood was not included National Plans of Action (NPA) for OVC; national response to the growing OVC crisis.National Plans of Action (NPA) for OVC; national response to the growing OVC crisis. –The response to support OVC to date through NPAs focuses on health, education and psycho- social support

The Alliance Where are we going to? PurposePurpose –To strengthen and scale up the implementation of livelihood opportunities and outcomes for OVC through the National Plans of Action for OVC and other key policy instruments Objectives first year:Objectives first year: –Improved integration of appropriate OVC livelihood actions within the NPAs –Improved availability of replicable models for implementation of livelihood interventions for OVC –Increased coordination & collaboration between involved stakeholders

The Alliance two tracks Developing a common understandingDeveloping a common understanding –Conceptual thinking around interface between livelihoods and social protection and scaling up  briefing papers available Building a body of knowledgeBuilding a body of knowledge –Promising interventions all over, but boutique types, need to be able to compare apples and oranges and build an evidence base

The Alliance Catalogue of promising initiatives and the observatory Catalogue and observatory of promising initiatives –Development of research methodology (6/7 November 2006) together with RHVP and RENEWAL unpicking issues around impact, sustainability and cost-effectiveness, gender sensitiveness and comparability –Country teams (social scientist + Alliance member) finalized research and tested methodology in the field (Dec – Jan – Feb)

The Alliance The Observatory The case studies: –The Neighbourhood Care Points in Swaziland –Strengthening the livelihood of OVC in Malawi and Lesotho –Basic Education Assistance Module (BEAM) in Zimbabwe –In partnership with RENEWAL: regional study to assess the potential for scale-up of the Junior Farmer Field and Life Schools

The Alliance what is the next milestone? Alliance regional workshop 17/18 April 2007Alliance regional workshop 17/18 April 2007 –Focus on the way forward and future of the Alliance at country and regional level –Initial findings in the observatory on scaling up livelihood based social protection interventions for OVC –Resource mobilisation “making the money work” –Advocacy, coordination and dissemination of information

The Alliance what are the challenges? The usual suspects? Unsuccessful so far to fully engage and leverage the strengths of grassroots, indigenous organisationsThe usual suspects? Unsuccessful so far to fully engage and leverage the strengths of grassroots, indigenous organisations Coordinating and finding synergies – many groups, networks and initiativesCoordinating and finding synergies – many groups, networks and initiatives Capacity available at regional and global level, but capacity and financial resources in countries to take this initiative on board?Capacity available at regional and global level, but capacity and financial resources in countries to take this initiative on board?

The Alliance what is your role? Support is needed from all partners in the following areas: Peer review of documents, papers and researchPeer review of documents, papers and research Advocacy for OVC, livelihoods, social protection and the Alliance in global foraAdvocacy for OVC, livelihoods, social protection and the Alliance in global fora Resource mobilizationResource mobilization

Working Together for Greater UN Impact UN and Partners’ Alliance for livelihood based social protection for OVC Thank you! For more information: contact