Otvorené a plánované výzvy v rámci priority ICT Martin Klimo ICTC delegát Informačný deň 7. RP , Bratislava
Projekty 7RP ICT k OrganizáciaSuma (€) Slovenská akadémia vied Technická univerzita v Košiciach Nemetschek Slovensko s.r.o Intersoft a.s Indra Slovakia a.ss Ardaco as Elfa s.r.o Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave SAE-Aautomation s.r.o Slovak Telekom a.s Clinical Research Associates & Consultants s.r.o Košice samosprávny kraj BIC Bratislava s.r.o Vysokošpecializovaný odborný ústav geriatrický sv. Lukáša v Košiciach Corinex Communications a.s.0 Medmark s.r.o.0
5 1: Networking, networked media and service infrastructures 2: Cognitive systems and robotics 3: Alternative paths to components and systems 4: Technologies for digital content and languages 5: ICT for health, ageing well, inclusion and governance 6: ICT for a lower carbon economy 7: ICT for manufacturing & factories of the future 8: ICT for learning and access to cultural resources Challenges Network and service infrastructure 2.Cognitive systems, interaction, robotics 3.Components, systems, engineering 4.Digital libraries & info mgmt 5.ICT for health 6.ICT for mobility & sustainable growth 7.ICT for independent living & inclusion
Call title: ICT call 7 Call identifier: FP7-ICT Date of publication: 28 September 2009 Deadline: 18 January 2011 at (Brussels local time) Indicative budget: EUR 778,5 million 6
7. výzva ICT - Topics called (1) Challenge 1: Pervasive and Trusted Network and Service Infrastructures -ICT Internet-connected Objects (IP/STREP, CSA) -ICT Networked Media and Search Systems (IP, STREP, CSA) -ICT Future Internet Research and Experimentation (FIRE) (a), (d) (IP, NoE) Challenge 2: Cognitive systems and robotics -ICT Cognitive Systems and Robotics (a), (d) (IP/STREP, CSA) 7
7. výzva ICT - Topics called (2) Challenge 3: Alternative Paths to Components and Systems -ICT Smart components and smart systems integration (a), (c) (IP/STREP, CSA) -ICT New paradigms for embedded systems, monitoring and control towards complex systems engineering (IP/STREP, CSA) -ICT Computing Systems (STREP, NoE, CSA) -ICT Core and disruptive photonic technologies (b), (e) (STREP, CSA) -ICT Flexible, Organic and Large Area Electronics and Photonics (IP/STREP, ERA-NET Plus, CSA) Challenge 4: Technologies for Digital Content and Languages - ICT Language Technologies (IP/STREP, CSA) 8
7. výzva ICT - Topics called (3) Challenge 5: ICT for Health, Ageing Well, Inclusion and Governance -ICT Personal Health Systems (IP/STREP, CSA) -ICT Virtual Physiological Human (c) (CSA) -ICT : Patient Guidance Services (PGS), safety and healthcare record information reuse (IP/STREP, NoE, CP-CSA) -ICT ICT for Ageing and Wellbeing (IP/STREP, CSA, CP- CSA) -ICT ICT for smart and personalised inclusion (IP/STREP, CSA) -ICT ICT Solutions for governance and policy modelling (IP/STREP, CSA) 9
7. výzva ICT - Topics called (4) Challenge 6: ICT for a Low Carbon Economy -ICT ICT systems for Energy Efficiency (STREP, CSA) -ICT Low-carbon multi-modal mobility and freight transport (IP/STREP, CSA) Future and Emerging Technologies -ICT Coordinating Communities, Identifying new research topics for FET Proactive initiatives and Fostering Networking of National and Regional Research Programmes (c), (d), (e) (CSA) -ICT Exa-scale computing, software and simulation (IP, CSA) 10
7. výzva ICT - Topics called (5) International Cooperation -ICT International Partnership building and support to dialogues (a) (CSA) Horizontal Actions -ICT Trans-national co-operation among National Contact Points (CSA) -ICT Supplements to Strengthen Cooperation in ICT R&D in an Enlarged European Union (IP, STREP) 11
Objective ICT Proposals must be presented by the coordinator of the on-going project. The funding requested not exceeding 30% of the existing project or EUR 1 million, Funding scheme on-going FP7 ICT IP and STREP projects ending after June 30, Indicative budget - EUR 10 million 12
Výzva "Factories of the Future" – 2011 Call identifier: FP NMP-ICT-FoF Date of publication: 20 July 2010 Deadline: 2 December 2010 at (Brussels local time) Indicative budget: EUR 160 million from the 2011 budget of which: - EUR 80 million from Theme 4 – Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials & New Production Technologies - EUR 80 million from Theme 3 – Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) 13
Výzva "FoF„ - Topics called FoF-ICT Virtual Factories and enterprises (IP and STREP) FoF-ICT Digital factories: Manufacturing design and product lifecycle management a) and b) targeted outcomes (IP and STREP) FoF-ICT Digital factories: Manufacturing design and product lifecycle management c) targeted outcome (IP, STREP, CSA) 14
Výzva "Energy-efficient Buildings" Call identifier: FP NMP-ENV-ENERGY-ICT-EeB Date of publication: 20 July 2010 Deadline: 2 December 2010 at (Brussels local time) Indicative budget: EUR 85.5 million from the 2011 budget of which: - EUR 40 million from Theme 4 – Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials & New Production Technologies - EUR 20 million from Theme 3 – Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) - EUR 20 million from Theme 5 – Energy - EUR 5.5 million from Theme 6 – Environment (including Climate Change) 15
Výzva "EEB„ - Topics called EeB-ICT ICT for energy-efficient buildings and spaces of public use - a) targeted outcome (STREP) EeB-ICT ICT for energy-efficient buildings and spaces of public use - b) targeted outcome (CSA) 16
Výzva "ICT for Green Cars" Call identifier: FP ICT-GC Date of publication: 20 July 2010 Deadline: 2 December 2010 at (Brussels local time) Indicative budget: EUR 30 million Topic called: GC.ICT PPP GC: ICT for fully electric vehicles (a, b, c, d) (STREP) 17
Výzva "Future Internet" – 2011 Call identifier: FP ICT-FI Date of publication: 20 July 2010 Deadline: 2 December 2010 at (Brussels local time) Indicative budget: EUR 90 million 18
Výzva "FI" – Topics called Challenge 1: Pervasive and Trusted Network and Service Infrastructures -FI.ICT Technology foundation: Future Internet Core Platform (IP) -FI.ICT Use Case scenarios and early trials (Phase 1) (IP) -FI.ICT Capacity Building and Infrastructure Support (Phase 1) (CSA) -FI.ICT Programme Facilitation and Support (CSA) 19
20 Future and Emerging Technologies Material science Quantum Physics Computational Fluid Dynamics Signal and image processing brain-computer interfaces, neuroprosthetics Quantum computing Signal processing, computational acoustics, audio processing, sound analysis domains of interest 20
Výzva "FET Flagship Initiatives" Call identifier: FP7-ICT-2011-FET-F Date of publication: 20 July 2010 Deadline: 2 December 2010 at (Brussels local time) Indicative budget: EUR 10 million Topic called: Challenge 9: Future and Emerging Technologies - ICT FET Flagship Initiative Preparatory Actions (CSA) 21
VýzvaFET Open Výzva FET Open Call identifier: FP7-ICT-2011-C Date of publication: 20 July 2010 Date from which proposals are receivable: 4 August 2010 Deadline: 31 December 2012, at 17:00.00, Brussels, local time Indicative budget: EUR 46 million 22
VýzvaFET Open – Topics called Výzva FET Open – Topics called Future and emerging technologies -ICT FET-Open: Challenging current thinking (CP (STREP only), CSA) -ICT High_Tech Research Intensive SMEs in FET research (CP (STREP only)) -ICT FET Young Explorers (CP (STREP only)) -ICT International Cooperation in FET research (Additional funding to existing grants (IP/STREP)) 23
Výzva ICT – EU Brazil Coordinated Call Call identifier: FP7-ICT-2011-EU-Brazil Date of publication: 28 September, 2010 Deadline: 18 January 2011 at (Brussels local time) Indicative budget: EUR 5 million Topic called Objective ICT EU-Brazil Research and Development cooperation (STREPs) a)Microelectronics/Microsystems b)Control Systems c)Future Internet - experimental facilities d)Future Internet - security e)e-Infrastructures 24
Výzva ICT – EU Russia Coordinated Call Call identifier: FP7-ICT-2011-EU-Russia Date of publication: 20 July, 2010 Deadline: 14 September 2010, at (Brussels local time) Indicative budget: EUR 4 million Topic called Objective ICT EU-Russia Research and Development cooperation (STREPs) (a)Programming Models and Runtime Support (b)Performance Analysis Tools for High-Performance Computing (c)Optimisation, Scalability and Porting of Codes 25
26 Call StartEnd Call 8 + PPs GC, FoF, FEB Call 2Jul 2011Jan 2012 Call 9Dec 2011Apr 2012 PPP Future Internet Call 2Jun 2012Sep 2012 Budúce výzvy
Ďalšie informácie Call information CORDIS call page and work programme Participant Portal General sources of help FP7 Enquiry service ICT Information Desk tel: fax:
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