MEDIA LITERACY: a European approach Aviva SILVER - DG Information Society and Media Unit A2 MEDIA programme and media literacy Brussels, 4 December 2007
The EU today 27 countries – 490 million people
Why Media Literacy? Without image, thinking is impossible – Aristotle A democratic civilisation will save itself only if it makes the language of image into a stimulus for critical reflection, not an invitation to hypnosis - Umberto Eco
Media Literacy may be defined as… The ability to: Access media Understand and critically evaluate different aspects of the media and media contents Create communications in a variety of contexts
Media Literacy relates to… All media (television, cinema, video, books, magazines, newspapers, websites, radio, video games, virtual communities) Citizenship, freedom, rights and democracy Audiovisual heritage and cultural identity Empowerment of citizens
Why a European approach to Media Literacy? (1/2) The media change: internet, digital TV, virtual communities The media consumption and use change: mobility, user generated content, e- government The challenges change: internet safety, eInclusion, e-Accessibility
Why a European approach to Media Literacy? (2/2) Coherence with: MEDIA 2007 Lisbon objectives i2010 strategic policy framework AVMS Directive
The European Commission strategy - State of play (1/3) 30 Projects funded from 2002 up to 2005 New funding opportunities in MEDIA 2007 SAFER INTERNET PLUS Programme AVMS Directive Expert Group – Public Consultation – Study on the current trends and approaches to Media Literacy in Europe
The European Commission strategy - State of play (2/3) The public consultation on Media Literacy Last quarter of 2006 Extremely satisfactory response both in quantitative terms and in terms of the quality and variety of the respondents Picture shows that there are different practices and levels of media literacy Need for exchange of good practices and research for assessment criteria Report available
The European Commission strategy - State of play (3/3) Study on the current trends and approaches to Media Literacy in Europe Media Literacy is made necessary by the convergence of medias Media Literacy includes the former stages of education (read and write, audiovisual, digital, etc.) Country- and case-studies Strategic objectives and recommendations The Study will be available soon
The European Commission strategy: what’s next ? Communication on Media Literacy (December 2007) First policy document on Media Literacy at the European level In course of adoption by the Commission Respect of the subsidiarity principle Completing EU AV policy under i2010
The forthcoming Communication on Media Literacy – Highlights (1/2) Media Literacy in the digital environment A European definition of Media Literacy –Related to all media –Related to all levels of Media Literacy Three main areas: –Media Literacy for commercial communication –Media Literacy for audiovisual works –Media literacy for online
The forthcoming Communication on Media Literacy – Highlights (2/2) Some key concepts: Awareness and knowledge Critical approach Exploiting media actively and creatively Copyright issues eInclusion and e-Accessibility
Contacts Aviva SILVER European Commission DG Information Society and Media MEDIA programme and Media Literacy unit
Websites /index_en.htm /index_en.htm /media_literacy/index_en.htm /media_literacy/index_en.htm ciety/activities/sip/index_en.htm ciety/activities/sip/index_en.htm