Expert Meeting of the Specialized Technical Group of the SHaSA on Governance, Peace and Security Statistics: Validation of the Administrative Data Collection Instruments Dakar, April 29th, 2013
Law that gives statistical authority to the NSO over all data produced by public ministries and agencies – National Statistics System Law (Lei de SEN). –All public agencies must give their records to the NSO if requested; –NSO has the mandate for all surveys to the families; –Confidentiality of the information are mandated. ODINE (Delegated organism of INE) ENDE (NationalStrategy for Development of Statistics)
Justice, Security, and Governance Statistics must be: –Useful for agencies and ministries. –Timely to identify weakness and strengths. –User-friendly to allow a perfect understanding to all level users. –Pertinent to the current issues the country is facing. –Attentive to country commitments (national and international). –Flexible to new needs.
INECV created a justice and security unit in April 2011 that had the purpose of creating the basis for justice and security statistics. In that sense the unit: –Compiled information in established systems of statistics; –Arranged a series of high level meetings with the purpose of having a better understanding of concerns and priorities of each sector, and on other hand, promoting the importance of these statistics. – Promoted a seminar with the personnel directly involved with data compilation with the same purpose. –Did a diagnose of all sectors. –Had a second series of meetings to elaborate a concrete proposal of action plan.
Collaboration protocols that specify: – Obligations of the parties; –Capacitation; –Information exchange; –Focal points; –Reports to be produced.
INE signed collaboration protocols with the : –Ministry of Justice –Ministry of Internal Affairs –Prosecutors Office –Superior Council for the Judiciary –Judicial Police
IndicatorResult % of woman victem of domestic violence Violence Based on Gender Law Actions to inform the population of the crime Actions to better prepare the police to identify and deal with this crime % of pending cases (yearly)Prosecutors office decision to address at least 50% of case that enter. Example of indicator for macro-level management:
IndicatorResult % of crimes against people by municipality (monthly) Identify the locations with increase of registered cases. Allocate human resources % of pending cases by courtIdentify the courts that are falling behind Allocate resources to address the cases Example of indicator for micro-level management:
Public Indicators vs Confidential Indicators
Public indicators –Well stablished; –Accurat; –Transparent; –In line with country priorities (DECRP, MDG…). Confidential indicators –Not accurate; –For internal purposes; –That the ministries are not prepared to publish.
How to differentiate indicators: –Diagnose of each sector; –Seminars with all relevant statistics producers; –Constant dialogue with the sectors; –Sensibility to the sectors concerns; –Constant dialogue with key users (other ministeries, International Organizations, NGOs)
Two separate online platforms: –Public use –Operacional use
In terms of capacitation, Cape Verde has a common capacitation program for all the institutions in the National Statistics System, and partners: –Survey on necessities; –The agenda is created; –INEs hire specialists; –The capacitation is done according with the necessities and financial availability. In some cases unprogrammed capacitation is given, and this is made in close collaboration with the sector in need.
In terms of quality assurance, INECV did a first diagnose to understand the data process and identify possible fragilities. In a second level there was an assessment in the data itself, and conclusions were shared with the sectors. We found that in all cases there is some type of statistics struture, there is a need to reform data collection instruments. In the cases that the data didn’t meet the standards we’re working in their improvement through reform of instruments.
Further steps –Database. –Unique Process Number. –Reform of instruments.
For Further information contact: Mariana Neves Coordinator of Justice and Security Statistics Instituto Nacional de Estatística de Cabo Verde - NSO