The EIFFEL Initiative A European Discussion and a Possible Step Towards a Future Internet Forum Dirk Trossen, Ph.D. UCL, March 1 st 2007 EIFFEL: Evolved Internet Future for European Leadership
THE FUTURE NETWORKED SOCIETY 3 © EIFFEL Think Tank 2007 EIFFEL – How Did It Come About? Launched by the EU Commission (J.Da Silva, July 2006) Group of technical experts acting as individual Structure: 4 working groups 1.Evolution scenarios, technological and socio-economic drivers (D.Trossen, D.Kofman) 2.Technical Challenges (D.Papadimitriou, G.Polyzos) 3.Policy challenges, risks and opportunities for Europe 4.Planning and Coordination Group (P.Mahonen, D.Kennedy) Produced a white paper available at Presented during an open & free workshop (Brussels, 15th of Dec. 2006)
THE FUTURE NETWORKED SOCIETY 4 © EIFFEL Think Tank 2007 Key Findings (1) A number of high-quality consortiums are planning projects, or have projects and academically oriented initiatives in the domain Some large Integrated Projects are in formation –European Technology Platforms (ETPs) have ongoing discussions There is no need, or possibility, to meddle with the existing structure. –But the EIFFEL group discussions have shown that a common ground for discussion between different domains could be useful, taking in account also experts in policy, legal, and economic issues
THE FUTURE NETWORKED SOCIETY 5 © EIFFEL Think Tank 2007 Key Findings (2) Although evolutionary research part seems to be covered very well, and also design towards the future test beds is progressing, there is too little and usually smaller emphasis on exploratory high-risk, high-gain research. There is need to have a better bridge between high-quality evolutionary research conducted with the forthcoming project and exploratory smaller projects. –The current model of small presentations in coordinating (concentration) meetings is not enough to foster open, academic- style and critical exchange of ideas, especially at the architectural level. Although premier IEEE/ACM conferences will help somewhat they are not fulfilling all the requirements.
THE FUTURE NETWORKED SOCIETY 6 © EIFFEL Think Tank 2007 Key Findings (3): Encourage the Culture of Risk Taking Evolutionary research seems very well covered, but too little and usually smaller emphasis on exploratory high-risk, high- gain research Need for better bridge between high-quality evolutionary research and exploratory smaller projects ? ETPs Standards
THE FUTURE NETWORKED SOCIETY 7 © EIFFEL Think Tank 2007 EIFFEL Whitepaper Recommendation Setup Support Action/Coordination Action in order to enhance more in-depth discussion in this field along the lines of the EIFFEL findings
THE FUTURE NETWORKED SOCIETY 8 © EIFFEL Think Tank 2007 After the Whitepaper: Main Conclusion Strive for implementation of recommendation made in whitepaper -> create SSA action plan now -> aim at creation of some coherent European initiative -> seek international dimension of any action -> ensure scientific excellence in order to leap forward
THE FUTURE NETWORKED SOCIETY 10 © EIFFEL Think Tank 2007 What is Needed in Short Term? An European Forum that ensures that there is a coherent discussion forum on the future internet research. This discussion should include not only technical but also policy and governance related issues. The discussion forum is not about coordination, it is there to allow a lively discussion and disagreement on topical & technical/scientific issues. Guarantee & enforce scientific, technical and policy level debate in Europe on guiding principles for the Future Networked Society ↓ EIFFEL
THE FUTURE NETWORKED SOCIETY 11 © EIFFEL Think Tank 2007 What is Needed in Long Term? An international forum that ensures coherence between the international research community, aiming for maximum impact along the explorative path Allowing regional initiatives to thrive yet build communities that will span these local initiatives Guarantee and enforce scientific & technical level debate within the international research community on guiding principles for the Future Networked Society ↓ Future Internet Forum
THE FUTURE NETWORKED SOCIETY 12 © EIFFEL Think Tank 2007 Provide (international) forum for discussion of explorative research towards the Future Networked Society –between researchers within different disciplines –between regional initiatives (such as FIND/GENI, EIFFEL) –between explorative and evolutionary paths –towards other forums like ISOC, IRTF, IETF –towards experimental research activities like Arcadia and Fire High-level technical meetings –Open but with strong demands on track record By invitation based on with technical merits –Brainstorming & exchange of ideas, less strict “roadmapping” –Scientific consensus building and identification on new challenging areas, based on reviewing merits of ongoing research -> finding the “far-sight” ideas –Develop guiding principles for the Future Networked Society Value added support for research community –Pool of independent experts build with TCs (Technical Committees) –Informal reality check review through newsletter and reviewed “journal” Connect with infrastructural efforts (e.g., GENI, Arcadia, FIRE) –Feed visions and research into deployment and vice versa –Ensure that experimental research is fundamental when researching towards the Future Networked Society EIFFEL Objectives Internet today Exploratory Evolutionary Future Networke d Society Create Momentum Create Coherence Provide Support Provide Grounding
THE FUTURE NETWORKED SOCIETY 13 © EIFFEL Think Tank 2007 What EIFFEL is NOT EIFFEL does not intend to define, specify or roadmap the Future Internet! EIFFEL is not trying to enforce any specific trajectory for research –…it is a neutral & peer-reviewed (academic) inclined structure EIFFEL is not defining the Future Internet Architecture, nor it is defining future projects –…EIFFEL members can naturally setup projects as they wish. EIFFEL is not project driven, it is not aiming to build industrial consensus –Membership is based on technical people joining in as individuals, minimizing corporate agenda EIFFEL is not taking a specific position on test networks –…but will discuss on those, if members wish so
THE FUTURE NETWORKED SOCIETY 14 © EIFFEL Think Tank 2007 What EIFFEL is NOT EIFFEL is not focused to single technology domain –Wireless, Mobile, Core Network, Theory … it is covering all aspects EIFFEL is not organization or academic institutions driven –Individual members come with technical merits both from academia and industry EIFFEL does not intend to override established procedures for project evaluation, e.g., in the European Union –“Review” must be seen under the objectives of EIFFEL, i.e., sift through research towards the Future Internet, identify excellence, point out missing elements in certain domains or areas -> EIFFEL can review project-specific results, if they’ll be submitted to the process, under the light of coherence building, identifying the areas of improvement etc. -> It WILL NOT review project-specific results under an EU evaluation type of perspective –EIFFEL reviews are to be seen as added value not a MUST -> might create peer pressure in case EIFFEL “label” is seen as worthwhile to obtain EIFFEL does not set rules for or coordinates other initiatives –Facilitation is key
THE FUTURE NETWORKED SOCIETY 15 © EIFFEL Think Tank 2007 EIFFEL– Process Framework EIFFEL develops principles for Future Networked Society by –facilitating and stimulating scientifically oriented discussions e.g. fundamental architecture principles –providing specific reviews on how it sees international progress on Future Internet oriented activities –building synergies b/w research areas & coherency b/w their results ALL outcomes e.g. reviews, “thinking papers” are public ALL publicized results can be used by all project (operate under a typical academic licensing) EIFFEL outcomes –Exchange of ideas, research retreats public summaries –EIFFEL Review Newspaper/Journal public, open for projects –Build pool of expertise/experts that can support other later activities –Comparative analysis
THE FUTURE NETWORKED SOCIETY 16 © EIFFEL Think Tank 2007 Area1: Future Architecture Area 2: Enabling Transmission Technologies Area N: … Trajectories of the Future Internet Possible EIFFEL Processes Full Meetings and Organizing Committee (ca. 8 members) Meetings, Reviews Reinforce research cohesion Feedback Roadmaps Discussion Research Community (e.g., ETPs, NoEs, STREPs, IPs Test Beds (GENI, Arcadia)) Input through submissions Dissemination Evaluation Facilitation Trajectories of the Future Internet New ChallengesEIFFEL JournalEIFFEL eForum Dissemination TC1: … TC1.1: … TC1: … TC2.1: … TC1: … TCN.1: …
THE FUTURE NETWORKED SOCIETY 17 © EIFFEL Think Tank 2007 This approach will work only if we get scientific community mobilized behind EIFFEL idea –Driven by individuals not their organizations –Seeking high profile yet wide endorsement -> will seek letter of support from individuals (website & mailing list) If there is not enough interest and participation, stop endaveour after 18 (?) months –measure success of bootstrapping process -> clear milestone in application Don’t isolate efforts as some European-only initiative –Engage in discussions on international collaboration -> eventually raise “uberstructure” on international level Way Forward? Bootstrapping Breakpoint Internationalize
THE FUTURE NETWORKED SOCIETY 18 © EIFFEL Think Tank 2007 Further Information Whitepaper Mailing list Later: forum, boards, etc.