Science fair Setup and other Ideas
Steps to Prepare a Science Fair Project: The first step in creating a Science Fair Project is to Select a Topic. See the Ideas List and What Makes a Good Project?. Remember a Science Fair Project is a test you do to find an answer to a question, not just showing what you know about something. Always pick something that you find interesting.
Scientific Method is then used to create the experiment. 1. State the Purpose of your experiment - What are you trying to find out? What will you learn? Who will benefit from your findings? 2. State your Hypothesis - your guess about what the answer will be. Provide some information that you are basing your hypothesis on. 3. Write a Research paper – a report presenting background information about your subject. Information can be found in books, magazines, the Internet, people and companies. Keep notes about where you got your info. This will be needed as you write Bibliographies and Footnotes.
4. Begin your Procedure by making a list of all 4. Begin your Procedure by making a list of all materials you will need. Next write all of the steps you will follow as you do your experiment. Complete the Procedure by running your experiment. Be sure to do the experiment as described above. Pictures or models may be included in procedure. 5. Data is a written journal of all observations, events and measurements that occurred as you ran the experiment. Keep notes in one place. Write down everything you can think of, you might need it later. Complete your data by including all graphs and charts which show results and observations.
6. Write a Conclusion. The conclusion restates your 6. Write a Conclusion. The conclusion restates your Hypothesis and announces whether it was proven or not. You must support your Hypothesis with reference to your data (as evidence). Once you have completed the Scientific Inquiry you can put it all together. 7. Come to the Fair and have fun! See you there!
What’s missing from this project?
Attracting the judges is really important. What things could you do to your presentation to attract a judge?
What important rule does this cartoon show?
Some projects do not count as experiments. While they are fun and nice to look at, they do not test a hypothesis.
Is this Earthquake project an experiment?
Here is a typical science fair set up.
Can you tell what this project is all about? How did you know? Compare this page to the next.
Can you tell what this project is all about? How did you know? Surprise! This project is also about sun block. Which is the most attractive project? Which has the most information?
Colorful? Attractive? Informative?
These hamsters are making me hungry!
So…What are good qualities of a Science fair Project? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Make a list from the class discussion. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. If everything is done right, you could be a winner.
Lots of work will give you the best chance to win.
And the winners are….
Good Luck!