1 Info Bank for Immigrants Kari Lämsä - Helsinki City Library The Calimera Project Briefing meeting in Brussels on January 2004.
2 Info Bank for Immigrants – Multicultural Alliance in Internet Co-operation project with the International Cultural Centre Caisa and the Helsinki City Library Funded by the European Social Fund and the City of Helsinki Server and maintenance from the City Library Technical realisation by Blue Meteorite Ltd Content from authorities and organisations carrying out immigration and multicultural work
3 MCL – MultiCultural Library Since 1996, originally Nordic joint venture Financial aid from the Ministry of Education until 1999 Today edited by the Cable Book Library Organised information for immigrants
4 How to find, decode and act?
5 The Info Bank for Immigrants Immigrants as editors In co-operation with authorities Information can be found even if you would not know what to search The same information via many different routes Chronologically arranged topics Technique and the contents were created simultaneously Exact guidelines for translation work
6 Based on questions in customer service
7 Now in eleven different languages, 14 in future
8 Information analysed, re-organized and edited
9 Difficult words explained by means of word descriptions.
10 Shortcuts to documents of authorities
11 Implemented at.NET framework
12 Classification, key words and Dublin Core
13 Editor as MS World or Open Office
14 With help of Statistics, e.g., the use of different languages can be followed.
15 All the information content is in Unicode form
16 Content in XML form can be published in various services and locations and in many different formats
17 Distributed update, persons who update have personal desktops
18 Current Situation Project finished, work will continue Aim to expand to national service Negotiations with authorities and ministries Guiding group consists of representatives from different ministries and authorities Aim to form a permanently funded editorial board
19 Editorial staff redirects questions to the right institutions Questions and answers are stored in a database Frequently asked questions will automatically be found in the database The service will evolve into a database of knowledge
20 Contact Information: Infobank: Edmon Dolaian / International Culture Center Caisa Kari Lämsä / Helsinki City Library Technology: Aki Antman / Blue Meteorite Ltd