International Organization & International Law 4 Most Important Things to Know about IO The Basics How IO Evolved Why IO has Expanded IO Increasing Cooperation 4 Most Important Things to Know about IL The Basics The Primitive Nature of IL IL as a Western Phenomenon Issues with Adherence to IL
~The Basics~ International Organization
What is International Organization? Note ‘Organization’ is in the singular How modern system organization changed Pre-Exploration Pre-CW CW Post-CW Actors States, IGOs, NGOs, MNCs, etc Issues Domestic Transnational
~How IO Evolved~ International Organization
Universal Concern for Humans International Peace Conferences at The Hague (1899, 1907) International Peace Conferences at The Hague Developed countries’ responsibility League of Nations (1920) United Nations (1945) Growth in membership More IGOs, NGOs form
International Organization About the United Nations Purpose Structure General Assembly UN Security Council UN Secretary General Need to address transnational issues UN System UN System Effectiveness UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon
~Why IO Expanded~ International Organization
Expansion of IO Increased international contact Increased interdependence Expansion of transnational problems Failure of current state-centered system to provide security Efforts of small states to gain strength through joint action Provide role models
~Increased Cooperation through IGOs~ International Organization
Increased Cooperation through IGOs Interactive Arena Self-interest NATO Center for Cooperation Functionalism ECOWAS Independent International Actor Proactive UN Supranational Governance Authority EU Very traditional Less traditional More alternative Very alternative
~Recap~ International Organization
4 Most Important Things to Know about IO What IO Is How IO Evolved Why IO has Expanded IO Increasing Cooperation
~The Basics~ International Law
The Basics Based on customs, agreements, treaties Increased over time More actors More contact Increased interdependence Greater need to coordinate policies, actions
~Primitive Nature~ International Law
Primitive Nature Not legislated Based on customs & agreements No overarching enforcement authority Sovereign states pursue self-interests
~Western Phenomenon~ International Law
Western Phenomenon European, then US domination Father of International Law Age of Reason Natural Law Hugo Grotius ( )
International Law Western Phenomenon Early law war Contemporary law transnational issues Differences between cultures Cultural relativism
~Adherence Issues~ International Law
Adherence Compliance is voluntary Means of enforcement Most states obey international laws- Why?Why? Reputation Long-term benefits v. short term losses Employ means to convince states to comply So, is international law really law? Sovereignty v. adherence
~Recap~ International Law
4 Most Important Things to Know about IL What IL is The Primitive Nature of IL IL as a Western Phenomenon Issues with Adherence to IL