HyRaMP Work Plan 2008/2009 Dr. Andreas Ziolek 1 st HyRaMP General Assembly Brussels, October 15, 2008.


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Presentation transcript:

HyRaMP Work Plan 2008/2009 Dr. Andreas Ziolek 1 st HyRaMP General Assembly Brussels, October 15, 2008

HyRaMP Work Plan 2008/2009 The HyRaMP Workplan encompasses two kinds of activities: the overall activities focussing on the strategic aspects of HyRaMP (as described in the “Manifesto”) and the more concrete activities defined with deliverables and milestones (as described in the “Terms of Reference for the cooperation between HyRaMP and the JTI FCH”). The Workplan or Activity Plan has to be regarded as a living document: revisions or amendments have to be implemented according to the progress of the FCH JTI, its public and private partners and of the HyRaMP partnership st HyRaMP General Assembly - Brussels, October 15, 20082

Strategic Activities 1.Work with the JTI and its public and private members to help develop and execute their plans; 2.Work to harmonise Regional and Municipal activities and funds to create larger and more effective cross regional plans and projects; 3.Collaborate to develop the European Regions and Municipalities into attractive rapidly growing markets; 4.Coordinate and collaborate with regions, countries and organisations outside Europe; 5.Accelerate the implementation, harmonisation and use of common RCS; 6.Develop joint “green”, sustainable, public procurement strategies; 7.Use parallel projects as benchmarks for economic and environmental evaluations; 8.Exchange knowledge on promotion and adoption of FCH technologies st HyRaMP General Assembly - Brussels, October 15, 20083

Specific Activities 1.Clarify opportunities to the use of regional funds (often EC structural funds) in alignment with EC funding for JTI projects. Milestone 1 (Nov. 2009): HyRaMP will produce a document with recommendations for the financial participation of regions in JTI projects. 2.HyRaMP shall define inter-regional projects coordinated with the JTI- MAIP. The inter-regional project should be eligible to receive JTI-funding. Milestone 2 (Nov. 2009): HyRaMP will present proposals on possible regional participation in demonstration projects; Task force with HyRaMP and IG to prepare. 3.Pooling of procurement. Milestone 3 (early 2009): EC, IG and HyRaMP will identify models of joint procurement in a common workshop st HyRaMP General Assembly - Brussels, October 15, 20084

Specific Activities (2) 4.Analysis of the potential industrial impact of Fuel Cells and Hydrogen on a specific region in terms of jobs, building up “yellow-pages”. Milestone 4 (early 2009): HyRaMP in collaboration with IG will identify employment impact of early market application (possibly within a special project). 5.Create an exchange platform (internet portal) where the regional strategies are published (best practices, synergies). Milestone 5 (end 2008): HyRaMP website including a competence database. Milestone 6 (end 2008): Workshops with R2H, HyFleet:Cute, etc. 6.Coordination of RCS activities (local implementation of RCS activities). Milestone 7 (mid 2009): RCS activity plan, will be linked with RCS topics of MAIP. 7.Education and Promotions. Milestone 8 (by end of 2009): Creation of a market introduction campaign for three applications (transport, stationary and portable) st HyRaMP General Assembly - Brussels, October 15, 20085

HyRaMP Work Plan 2008/2009 Statutes: Art. 5.3 – Activity Plan... The General Assembly will decide upon and endorse the proposed Activity Plan. … st HyRaMP General Assembly - Brussels, October 15, 20086

HyRaMP Work Plan 2008/2009 Thank you! st HyRaMP General Assembly - Brussels, October 15, 20087