Operační program Vzdělávání pro konkurenceschopnost Název projektu: Inovace magisterského studijního programu Fakulty ekonomiky a managementu Registrační číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/2.2.00/ Political Science and International Relations Features of the current system of international relations
Aim of the presentation to outline the basic characteristics of international political milieu; to introduce basic trends in the international political system; to explain the nature of the conflict (in terms of the realistic school of international relations).
Presentation contents Characteristics and trends of the international relations system Typology of international relations systems: Unipolar system Bipolar system Multipolar system
The international relations system The international relations system (global political system) consists of 206 national states (193 U.N. members) and hundreds and thousands of international organizations, NGOs, supranational companies, media and other subjects State is, at the present, (so far) the most important reference object of security policy operates within the system of international relations (global political system), which is essentially anarchic, the world out of control, and environment of uncertainty Anarchy is the absence of authority (government), but does not mean the absence of order In the current system, there is no central power or authority that could consciously and independently decide on the position of individual actors (states, international organizations, etc.), define standards of behavior, and be able to enforce its decisions
The international relations system Realistic approach (or realistic school of international relations) assumes that the main characteristic of the system of international relations is the distribution of power The most important actor in the system of international relations is the state, which is committed to the defense of its national interests (from simple survival to the control of the entire system) Invocation of moral principles in international policy only masks the national power interests The anarchic nature of the international relations system means, that there is no higher authority defining and enforcing „rules of the game" and the behavior of states is a "zero-sum game“ Because there is no external guarantor of the survival of states, the international environment is area of uncertainty
The international relations system Conflicts, crises or wars are natural situations in a very competitive and anarchic international relations system – they are results of the threatening power position of the state, its national interests and its security In practice, it is necessary to refuse the equality of states and pragmatically grants different states the power and ability to pursue their national interests through violence (all states are equal, but some states are more equal than others) The inevitable condition for maintaining the international peace and security is the accord with the national interests of the most powerful states (currently e.g. U.S., Russia, China, France, the U.K.)
The international relations system What is the motive (raison d'etre) and purpose of the each state? In defence of what each state is willing to use all available resources? For what reason (almost) every state does build and use armed forces? Answer: national (security) interests! Countries are selfishly striving to extend own influence, primarily to defend and enforce own national interests, even at the expense of others States will use violence whenever it is convenient for them (benefits significantly outweigh the costs) „War is unpleasant, but it is an inherent part of state system composed of sovereign independent units“. (N. Spykman) This observation has been valid despite the ongoing globalization
Typology of the int. relations systems In the international relations theory three basic arrangements of the international relations systems are established: Unipolar system; Bipolar system; Multipolar system.
Unipolar system The unipolar system of international relations is characterized by the existence of a state which has the ability to enforce dominantly its national interests, or at least his interests and power must be taken into account by all other actors This system is relatively stabile (there is no global conflict) because there is only a minimal chance that any actor in international relations could assert their interests against the hegemon by economic or military means As an example of this system it is possible to bring the current system of international relations with the dominant position of the United States
Bipolar system Bipolar system of international relations is based on the existence of two approximately equally powerful states (or group of countries), with similar possibilites to pursue their own national interests, which may or may not be directly opposite each other They create groups of allies and "spheres of influence" within which behave dominantly. Regrouping between the allies is not generally possible. They respect each other, ensuring relative stability of the system. Example: the bipolar system of international relations, which was formed after the second world war (with the dominance of the U.S. and the USSR permanent mutual competition)
Multipolar system In a multipolar system, there is a greater number of states that have relatively comparable abilities to pursue their own national interests The absence of a clear hegemon allows states to negotiate intensively with each other, to enter into a coalitions sought to change the existing ratio of powers. This situation means that it is a very unstable environment in which a high probability of conflict (not necessarily the violent one) An example of a multipolar system is the system of international relations before WWI, when the powers (the UK, France, Germany, US, Russia, Austria - Hungary and Italy) possessed the commensurable abilities to enforce their own national interests
Operační program Vzdělávání pro konkurenceschopnost Název projektu: Inovace magisterského studijního programu Fakulty ekonomiky a managementu Registrační číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/2.2.00/ Political Science and International Relations Features of the current system of international relations