First-Past-the-Post System You don’t need to win a majority, you just have to win more votes than any of the other candidates
Some feel this accentuates regionalism Some people want Proportional Representation Number of seats a party wins in legislature is based on the total number of votes it receives
Left-Wing Centre Right Wing Traditionally, the spectrum has been used to distinguish between the different views/beliefs of political parties
Left-WingCentreRight-Wing Tends to value “social freedom” Government should play a larger role in people's lives (social services, benefits) Law and order are important but their purpose is to protect rights of all citizens fairly and equally More rights for individuals and less power for the police / military Tradition is important, but change must be supported if people want it Government should play a role in people’s lives only if it benefits the citizens Law and order are important to encourage and protect the rights of individuals Tends to value “social responsibility” Tradition is important and change should be treated with caution Emphasis of law and order to protect society and its traditions Less freedom to individuals and more power to police
Political scientists have recently added a new axis to the spectrum Horizontal axis economic philosophy Vertical axis political/social philosophy
Left Authoritarian Right Libertarian
To join: Must be at least 18 Why? Improve quality of life in their community, region, and nation Some strongly believe in their party’s ideology Some really like power and influence
Only about 2% of the population joins a party Most people are more like to seek change by participating in a special-interest group or a non-governmental organization (NGO) NGOs are non-profit and try to improve people’s lives ▪ United Way, Canadian Red Cross, Doctor’s Without Borders, etc
Group #1 Riley Willy Alanna Sam Ray Group #2 Damien Subin Nicholas Michelle Nick K. Group #3 Sean Tiana Jasmin Noah Eric Group #4 Kris Dax Nick Y. Nickan Matthew H. Group #6 Krista Tejas Sophia Theo Group #5 Haley Alex Andrew Matt D. Conor