FORESTUR: “Tailored training for professionals in the rural tourist sector” ES/06/B/F/PP VALORISATION & SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGY Florence, January 2008
1 DISSEMINATION Forestur dissemination is working quite well. Suggestions: We could create a mailing list in each country containing a list of recipients who are interested in the project, such as policy- makers, civil society organisations, sectoral bodies, educational institutions, academics and students. We can offer recipients the option to subscribe and unsubscribe whenever they wish. ** To bear in mind legal requirements associated with the possibility to subscribe/unsubscribe and the storing and access of personal data.
2 EXPLOTATION The key to success exploitation mechanisms is to select those that are appropriate to the type of result and the end users envisaged. Where the project culminates in a new method or a new product, for example, then transfer, commercialisation and sustainability could be appropriate mechanisms.
3 EXPLOTATION Transfer enhances good practice by spreading results. The transfer can take place at all levels and the results can be used into new contexts or other organisations can customise the results to suit their conditions. Commercialisation is especially appropriate to tangible products and is suitable for the end users. * There can be complications for results that involve complex intellectual property rights or where a lack of clarity in product ownership exists.
4 EXPLOTATION Sustainability: Just because a project is completed does not mean its results disappear. It is important to keep them visible and available, especially through websites, so that target audiences can access them, learn from them, adapt them to their own needs and even build on them and take them to the next level. Of course both transfer and commercialisation aid sustainability.
5 WP 5 WP5 − DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROJECT VALORISATION & SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGY 01/10/2006 − 30/09/2008 (24 months) Objective: To plan from the start what will happen to the project outputs at the end of the contract period. To disseminate and exploit the project results at local, national and European levels,as well as to optimise them by means of ensuring their transfer to other contexts.
6 CHECKING OF OUTPUTS 1)Detailed and consolidated Valorisation Plan including actions to be carried out in order to ensure the sustainability of the project outputs after the end of the contract period 2)Transfer of the project outputs to other sectors, target groups or socio−cultural contexts, guaranteeing their further Exploitation 3)Transfer of the project outputs to decision−making bodies in the field of vocational training, tourism and regional development
7 CHECKING OF ACTIVITIES 1) Further and joint design of the valorisation action plan for the project and how it will be implemented in every partner country. 2) Main activities envisaged in the valorisation strategy: Project Website for dissemination Dissemination in related portals From March to November 07, Forestur website had more than visits (more than unique visitors) from 35 different countries. About 30 external websites have a direct link to Forestur. WIKIPEDIA = Forestur information is available in all the languages except in Hungarian!
8 CHECKING OF ACTIVITIES Focus Groups in the partner countries Integration of feedback from the final user into the product design Promotional articles and material: leaflets, posters, presentations in mpeg and Power Point… Attendance at conferences and seminars on related topics in which the project's results can be presented and disseminated in order to arouse other users' interest in contributing to their exploitation
9 CHECKING OF ACTIVITIES Attendance/participation at Trade Fairs - Distribution of the project's results to every collaborating organisation with the aim of extending the repercussions of these results. Also, with this aim, the opportunity to participate in any of the training schemes designed will be offered to any user who may apply for it, completely free of charge Cooperation with networks and forums (at regional, national, international or community level) - Media Communication Strategy. A detailed programme will be created (radio, press and Internet) with the aim of reaching the highest number of people
10 CHECKING OF ACTIVITIES Extrapolation and adaptation of the results to other institutions related to the training of professionals in the tourism sector −Advising committees * will be created in each partner country and in those where it is found possible −Review and discussion about the project results (partial and final) and their expected impact −Product test by different target groups and users outside of the scope of the partnership
11 REMAINING TASKS - Project Website for dissemination. Include News ? -Distribution of the project's results to every collaborating organisation with the aim of extending the repercussions of these results. Which are the results at this moment? Which can be disseminated and communicated? To agree a short text which can be used for communication and dissemination purposes (adapted by each partner country) -Media Communication Strategy To write an article and translate it for sending to conferences, magazines, etc + DISSEMINATION EVENT IN BRUSSELS - GUSTAVO (FCVRE)
12 REMAINING TASKS −Advising committees * * External team composed by relevant actors in the field both high- level (focus groups) and grassroots (final users) and they will be in charge of ensuring the project appropriateness to the sector needs. −Review and discussion about the project results (partial and final) and their expected impact QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN -PMC −Product test by different target groups and users outside of the partnership RTI (SYNERGY CONFERENCE) ? EUROGÎTES? DIFFERENT ASSOCIATIONS IN EACH COUNTRY