Pirates in Germany Foundation: in Berlin Members: Chairman: Bernd Schlömer
Outlook: -Some information -Aims -Actions
Information: -The first Piratparty was the swedish Piratepartiet (founded on by Rickard Falkvinge) -The international organization takes place in Brussels -Today in already 22 countrys there exist Pirate- parties
Aims: Common declaration of the parties ’ goals at the conference of Pirate Parties In Uppsala 2009 Central issues of the declaration are:
Aims: - Reform of the copyright: - legalize private copys -the shortening of the safety time in copyright -Prohibition from DRM technologys (Digital Rights Managment) -Decline of All-inclusive dues
Aims: -Reform of the patent law: -Boost of innovation -Calling for an EU-study about the economic effect of the patent law
Aims: -Strenthening of the civil rights through: -Transparency in the work of the state -Fast and fair court procedures -Stronger freedom of opinion -Stronger right to communicate anonym, on digital way, as well
Actions: -Day against internet censorship (international) -BTW 13: Our Work is valuable (in whole Germany) Euwikon: -Discussion about the europe-, economy- and sinancial policy of the Pirates (Frankfurt)