YMIR is a Support Action funded by the European Union under the 7th Framework Programme YMIR IMPROVE ACCESS TO FINANCE FOR INNOVATIVE SMEs Project No WP2: i.)AVY Coordination ii.)Cooperation with other unit projects Presenter:John Molony Organisation:TESEO YMIR Project Review MeetingBrussels, 13 March, 2012
WP2: Preliminary Activities Cooperation with AVY cluster and other unit projects YMIR Project Final Review MeetingBrussels, 13 March, 2012 WP2 work in Year 2 consisted of two tasks 1.AVY cluster inter-project coordination – cooperation with the ACCESS ICT and ICT VentureGate projects, T2.1 2.Collaboration with ICT Pervasive & Trustworthy Network & Service Infrastructure Projects (DG INFSO Directorate D), T2.4 One deliverable is due, the D2.4 “Report on AVY Cluster Cooperation” (draft submitted)
WP2: Preliminary Activities Cooperation with AVY cluster and other unit projects YMIR Project Final Review MeetingBrussels, 13 March, 2012 Cooperation with ACCESS ICT / ICT VentureGate I Cooperation went smoothly in Year 2 Communication centred around event activities, finalising deliverable D3.5 and newsletter ACCESS ICT and ICT VentureGate participated with YMIR in Brussels (DAA) & Poznan (Future Internet Week) ACCESS ICT is sending an investor to Lisbon TESEO contributed to a VentureGate event in Budapest (May 2011)
WP2: Preliminary Activities Cooperation with AVY cluster and other unit projects YMIR Project Final Review MeetingBrussels, 13 March, 2012 Cooperation with ACCESS ICT / ICT VentureGate II TESEO participated in a VentureGate event in Brussels (October 2011) MENTORTEC participated in an ACCESS ICT event in Portugal (November 2011) TESEO participated in ACCESS ICT Final Conference in Brussels (January 2012) TESEO coordinated YMIR activities with the other AVY projects in relation to dissemination of information: about YMIR / ACCESS / VentureGate events
WP2: Preliminary Activities Cooperation with AVY cluster and other unit projects YMIR Project Final Review MeetingBrussels, 13 March, 2012 Cooperation with ACCESS ICT / ICT VentureGate III TESEO arranged for ICT VentureGate participation in European SME Week (Brussels, Oct. 2011) TESEO coordinated, drafted and contributed material on YMIR’s behalf to the ICT Finance MarketPlace website MENTORTEC solicited and coordinated news and event items for the ICT Finance MarketPlace newsletters YMIR fulfilled its obligations in respect of cross- participation in ACCESS ICT and ICT VentureGate events
WP2: Preliminary Activities Cooperation with AVY cluster and other unit projects YMIR Project Final Review MeetingBrussels, 13 March, 2012 Cooperation with other DG INFSO projects I Cooperation with ACCESS ICT and ICT VentureGate already discussed Numerous news items related to other projects included in ICT Finance MarketPlace newsletter YMIR investors participated in Discussion Workshop 19 at 1 st EU Digital Agenda Assembly (Brussels, June 2011) MENTORTEC will participate in the Transversal cluster on Innovation and Entrepreneurship” March, 2012 MENTORTEC has cooperated with the AgeingWell Network project (CIP: ICT PSP)
WP2: Preliminary Activities Cooperation with AVY cluster and other unit projects YMIR Project Final Review MeetingBrussels, 13 March, 2012 Cooperation with other DG INFSO projects II On YMIR’s behalf, TESEO has also: Represented YMIR in the FInES Cluster Meetings Contributed to FInES Cluster Newsletter with YMIR news Distributed information about e-Health Week 2012 SME Village on behalf of DG INFSO’s ICT For Health initiative Coordinated & helped organise ICT Finance MarketPlace participation in the EU’s SME Week (Brussels, Oct. 2011) Helped other projects such as the MaPEeR and UNITE to disseminate their results