Grant agreement n° WP2 Service Requirements and Overall Architecture CONTENT Y1 EC Review, January, 2014
CONTENT WP2 Year 1 Review, Brussels.BE 1. Concepts and Objectives 2. Work Plan and Deliverables 3. Delivered Work, and Achievements 4. Future Work Outline
CONTENT WP2 Year 1 Review, Brussels.BE 3 WP2 Concept and Objectives
CONTENT WP2 Year 1 Review, Brussels.BE WP2 aims to identify the requirements of the CONTENT platform, define use case scenarios and business models and finally specify the overall system architecture. Concepts
CONTENT WP2 Year 1 Review, Brussels.BE [O1] Identification of the stakeholders involved in the CONTENT platform and specification of Service Requirements [O2] Business model development [O3] Use case scenarios definition & early Platform Evaluation plan [O4] Overall CONTENT Architecture [O5] Detailed System Architecture Modelling and Evaluation Objectives
CONTENT WP2 Year 1 Review, Brussels.BE WP2 Impact on CONTENT WP1 – Project Management WP2 – Service Requirements & Overall Architecture WP3 – Development of the Integrated solution WP5- System Integration & proof of principle demonstration WP4 – Infrastructure virtualization & provisioning of end- to-end services WP6 – Dissemination & exploitation
CONTENT WP2 Year 1 Review, Brussels.BE 7 WP2 Work Plan, Deliverables, Milestones
CONTENT WP2 Year 1 Review, Brussels.BE AcademiaResearch CentresIndustry Start: M1 End: M24 Total effort: 69PM Divided into three tasks Glance
CONTENT WP2 Year 1 Review, Brussels.BE Task 2.1: Capturing of Service Requirements This task aims to capture and define the service requirements of the potential CONTENT platform. Task 2.2 Use Case Scenarios and Business Models Specification This task aims at defining the use case scenarios that will fully demonstrate and evaluate the CONTENT platform and finally identify the exploitable output of the project. Task 2.3 Overall System Architecture and Specifications This task aims to specify and define the CONTENT platform architecture. Tasks
CONTENT WP2 Year 1 Review, Brussels.BE D2.1 Service Requirements (M3) D2.2 Use Case Scenarios and Business Models (M9) D2.3 Overall System Architecture Definition and Specifications (M12) D2.4 Detailed System Architecture Modelling and Evaluation (M24) Deliverables & Milestones
CONTENT WP2 Year 1 Review, Brussels.BE Involved partners: JUN (10), UNIVBRIS(5), AIT (18), i2CAT (5), NXW (6), UTH (5), PTL (20) Start: M1 End: M24 Gantt (Original) M1M2M3M4M5M6M7M8M9M10M11M12M13M14M15M16M17M18M19M20M21M22M23M24 WP2 T2.1 T2.2 T2.3 D2.1D2.2 D2.3 D2.4 No deviations!
CONTENT WP2 Year 1 Review, Brussels.BE 12 WP2 Delivered Work and Achievements
CONTENT WP2 Year 1 Review, Brussels.BE 13 CONTENT roles definition Service requirements specification Use Case definition MOVNO Business Model Early Platform Evaluation Overall architecture specifications methodology Development of modelling tools Initial modelling results for the CONTENT architecture evaluation Definition of the CONTENT generic architecture Main Achievements
CONTENT WP2 Year 1 Review, Brussels.BE 14 The following roles have been defined within the CONTENT framework: Physical Infrastructure Provider (PIP) – The PIP is further divided into: Optical Infrastructure Provider (OIP) Wireless Infrastructure Provider (WIP) DataCentre Infrastructure Provider (DIP) Virtual Operator (VO) Service Provider (SP) CONTENT Roles (I)
CONTENT WP2 Year 1 Review, Brussels.BE 15 Extends the operating range of MVNO to “own” and operate virtual resources in the optical metro. Utilizes converged virtualization architecture of wireless and wired networks and IT resources. Extends its service portfolio and provides new high- value services to its customers. Emerging Stakeholder: Mobile-Optical Virtual Network Operator
CONTENT WP2 Year 1 Review, Brussels.BE 16 High-level Business Requirements Service Requirements Integrated Service Network Requirements Physical Infrastructure Requirements CONTENT Service Requirements
CONTENT WP2 Year 1 Review, Brussels.BE 17 Infrastructure and network sharing Cloud service provisioning on top of virtual infrastructures Use cases Ref. NoUse case name #1Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) on top of multiple network providers #2Mobile Optical Virtual Network Operator (MOVNO) in a multi-operator environment Ref. NoUse case name #3Mobile broadband-enabled cloud services by MOVNO #4IPTV services over virtual networks #5Follow-me procedures in cloud services for Content Delivery Network (CDN) applications #6Cloud services for Sensor Networks and Internet of Things #7Virtual Desktop Infrastructure
CONTENT WP2 Year 1 Review, Brussels.BE 18 MOVNO Business Model (I) The VO is then able to provide SP the ability to provide services to its customers. The PIP provides the VO with logical resources and composes virtual infrastructures on top of its physical resources.
CONTENT WP2 Year 1 Review, Brussels.BE 19 The PIP will establish pay-as-you-go contract and an SLA agreement with the VO in order for the VO to spread its reach, whilst the VO will provide the SP the ability to increase its business opportunities through contracts that will be established with new customers. – The MOVNO will pay the PIP per usage e.g. per access, per user and avoid the flat rate per period. – The SP will pay the MOVNO depending on the network usage. MOVNO Business Model (II)
CONTENT WP2 Year 1 Review, Brussels.BE 20 2 use cases were selected as potential candidates to demonstrate and evaluate the CONENT during the trials and evaluation period: – Mobile Optical Virtual Network Operator (MOVNO) in a multi-operator environment – Mobile broadband-enabled cloud services by MOVNO The selection took into consideration: – The technical innovation – The possibility to deploy the components required by the use case on a test bed for demonstrations – The capability to provide wide support for a variety of services, in order to allow the validation of the CONTENT solution in different contexts and conditions – The requirements described in D2.1 Early Platform Evaluation Plan
CONTENT WP2 Year 1 Review, Brussels.BE 21 CONTENT Architecture (II) Layered architecture : cross-technology virtualization to support optimised, seamless and coordinated cloud and mobile cloud service provisioning across heterogeneous network domains
CONTENT WP2 Year 1 Review, Brussels.BE 22 The Time Shared Optical Network (TSON) data plane consists of FPGA nodes for high speed processing at 10Gb/s per wavelength data rate The operational architecture of the TSON nodes involves three layers: – Routing and resource allocation – TSON Layer 2 functions – TSON Layer 1 functions Physical Infrastructure Layer - TSON TSON network interconnecting DC and wireless access networks
CONTENT WP2 Year 1 Review, Brussels.BE 23 Physical Infrastructure Layer - Wireless Network Architecture NITOS testbed architecture Basic components of the NITOS Platform – NITOS Bridge: point where VLAN network connections through the GEANT network terminate – Openflow based wireless Backhaul network – WiFi/LTE Access network – Control network – Details of the NITOS testbed are provided in D4.1
CONTENT WP2 Year 1 Review, Brussels.BE 24 Heterogeneous Physical Infrastructure Layer: including a hybrid wireless access network (LTE/WiFi) domain, and an optical metro network domain (TSON) interconnecting geographically distributed data centres Interfaces performing: Scheduling Aggregation/De-Aggregation Traffic adaptation QoS Mapping Heterogeneous Physical Infrastructure
CONTENT WP2 Year 1 Review, Brussels.BE 25 Infrastructure Management Infrastructure Management Layer: is overall responsible for the management of the network infrastructure and the creation of virtual network infrastructures over the underlying physical resources.
CONTENT WP2 Year 1 Review, Brussels.BE 26 Converged Service Orchestration Control Layer: responsible to provision IT and (mobile) connectivity services in the cloud and network domains respectively. Service Orchestration Layer: responsible for efficient coordination of the cloud and network resources to enable end-to-end composition and delivery of integrated cloud, mobile cloud and network services in mobile environments with guaranteed QoE.
CONTENT WP2 Year 1 Review, Brussels.BE CONTENT architecture evaluation Objective: a dynamically reconfigurable, energy efficient virtual infrastructure VI planning: designing the virtual infrastructures and mapping the virtual to physical resources Considering: – Energy consumption of wireless, optical and DC domains through relevant models – Mobility of end users A stochastic mobility model has been adopted to predict mobile users’ locations and ensure seamless service provisioning across the various network segments The problem has been described through suitable mathematical formulation
CONTENT WP2 Year 1 Review, Brussels.BE Comparison between Mobile Cloud Solutions Cloudlet Approach: Small DCs in the wireless access and large DCs in the core to support mobile and fixed cloud traffic CONTENT Approach: DCs fully converged with the broadband wireless access and the metro optical network
CONTENT WP2 Year 1 Review, Brussels.BE Performance Comparison: Delay Comparison in terms of delay between the CONTENT architecture and the cloudlet: Considering that the minimum packet delay in LTE networks is measured to be of the order of 100ms the additional 2ms delay of the CONTENT solution is negligible The additional delay, can be compensated by allocating extra resources in the DC domain
CONTENT WP2 Year 1 Review, Brussels.BE Performance Comparison: Power Impact of traffic load on power consumption for the CONTENT and the Cloudlet scheme the wireless access technology is responsible for 43% of the overall power consumption the optical network consumes less than 7% of the energy
CONTENT WP2 Year 1 Review, Brussels.BE Impact of Mobility Service-to-Mobility Factor: fraction of the service holding time over the cell residence time Power consumption increases with mobility.
CONTENT WP2 Year 1 Review, Brussels.BE 32 WP2 Future Work [Plan for Year 2]
CONTENT WP2 Year 1 Review, Brussels.BE 33 Detailed System Architecture Modelling and Evaluation – D2.4 (M24) Report the refined CONTENT architecture together with a detailed evaluation of its performance through modelling and simulations. Future Work Remaining Effort per partner: JUN (7), UNIVBRIS(1), AIT (6.1), i2CAT (0.65), NXW (1.74), UTH (3.24), PTL (5.3)
CONTENT WP2 Year 1 Review, Brussels.BE 34 Conclusions WP2 Identified the CONTENT stakeholders Specified of Service Requirements Developed the MOVNO Business model Defined the CONTENT use case scenarios Outlined an early Platform Evaluation plan Defined the overall CONTENT Architecture
CONTENT WP2 Year 1 Review, Brussels.BE 35 Thank You Ευχαριστώ Dora Christofi PrimeTel Anna Tzanakaki AIT
CONTENT WP2 Year 1 Review, Brussels.BE 36 Backup slides Dora Christofi PrimeTel Anna Tzanakaki AIT
CONTENT WP2 Year 1 Review, Brussels.BE Integration of Technology Domains 1. TSON nodes receive the Ethernet frames and arrange them to different buffers that are part of the node. 2. The Ethernet frames are aggregated into TSON frames, which are then assigned to a suitable time-slot and wavelength for further transmission in the network on a First In First Out (FIFO) basis. 3. When these frames reach the interface between the optical and the DC domains the reverse function takes place
CONTENT WP2 Year 1 Review, Brussels.BE 38 The overall network power consumption model considers: The active elements of the WDM metro network, based on the Time Shared Optical Network (TSON), supporting frame-based sub-wavelength switching granularity A cellular LTE system for the wireless access domain and a collection of wireless microwave links for the interconnection of the LTE-enabled based stations Linear power consumption for the DCs 100% power overhead due to cooling Network Power Consumption
CONTENT WP2 Year 1 Review, Brussels.BE Numerical Results & Comparisons The wireless access technology consumes 50%, while the optical network less than 10% of the total energy There is a trade-off between mobility and utilization of physical resources: For high mobility additional resources are required to support the VI in the wireless access domain This additional resource requirement also propagates in the optical metro network and the IT domain