Cues for the production of the speech sounds: b - Press your lips together, and then pop them apart / voiced. p - Press your lips together, and then pop them apart / unvoiced.
ch - Push you lips out, and then touch your tongue on the ridge behind the upper teeth as air flows over the center of the tongue / unvoiced. j - Push you lips out, and then touch your tongue on the ridge behind the upper teeth as air flows over the center of the tongue / voiced.
sh - Push you lips out, and then point your tongue towards the ridge behind the upper teeth as air flows over the center of the tongue / unvoiced. y - With your mouth open, slide into the vowel with the tongue tip behind the lower teeth / voiced.
l - Put the tip of your tongue on the ridge behind your upper teeth / voiced. n - Put the tip of your tongue on the ridge behind your upper teeth with nasal resonance / voiced
r - Curl your tongue up and back in the mouth / voiced. s - Point your tongue towards the ridge behind the upper teeth while air flows over the center of the tongue / unvoiced. z - Point your tongue towards the ridge behind the upper teeth while air flows over the center of the tongue / voiced.
t - With your lips open, touch your tongue on the ridge behind the upper teeth / unvoiced. d - With your lips open, touch your tongue on the ridge behind the upper teeth / unvoiced.
k - Put your tongue up in the back of your mouth / unvoiced. g - Put your tongue up in the back of your mouth / voiced.
th - Put your tongue between your teeth as air flows over the center of your tongue / voiced and unvoiced.