1° Review meeting Recognition of the SandS project Bruno Apolloni Brussels, 31/3/2014
At the turning point from design to deployment MS2: Things are connectable to Internet ->achieved MS3: Networking architecture fixed ->achieved MS4: Domestic middleware completed and running ->achieved MS5:Wireless protocol fixed -> to be achieved MS6: Small scale SandS asset running -> to be achieved MS7:Recipe generator running -> to be achieved MS8: Social network infrastructure fixed -> to be achieved MS9: Large scale experiment concluded -> to be achieved
The Milestone timing B GANTT CHART MONTHS IN PROJECT NoWP description MS2 MS1 MS3 MS4MS5 1 consolidated research 2 boards 3 middleware 4 protocols 5 intelligence 6 social network 7 small scale mockup 8 large scale experiments MS2 MS4 MS3 MS5
B GANTT CHART MONTHS IN PROJECT WP NoTitle TaskTask description MS10 MS2 MS6 MS11 MS1 MS3MS4MS5 MS7MS8MS9MS12 1 Research & System Identification T1.1human centerd versant T1.2social networks versant T1.3Computational Intelligence versant T1.4Technological versant T1.5caterorise and priorities pool D1.1 D1.2 D1.3 D1.4 2 Electronics for remote activation T2.1connection to physical appliances T2.2u-node communication services definition T2.3u-node auto-configuration services T2.4functional and stress testing D2.1D2.2 D2.3 3 Middleware island implementati on T3.1Middleware Layout Implementation T3.2appliance communication T3.3Middleware core T3.4Services communication T3.5Knowledge management D3.1D3.2D3.3 D3.4 4 Wireless networking T4.1Definition of requirements T4.2Functional analysis T4.3Implementation T4.4performance model T4.5tests D4.1 D4.2 D4.3 D4.4 5Rule system T5.1Device repertoire analysis T5.2Operational data analysis T5.3The recipe language T5.4Fuzzy rules generator T5.5Reinforcement learning T5.6Rule generator improvement T5.7Early rule system D5.1 D5.2 D5.3 D5.4D5.5 6 Social networking T6.1Social Architecture T6.2Networked Intelligence T6.3Measurement and prediction T6.4Integrability T6.5Performance modeling T6.6Consensus and security issues D6.1 D6.2D6.3 D6.4 7Small scale T7.1Mockup assembling T7.2Experimentig tradeoffs T7.3Defining and running recipes T7.4Analysis of data T7.5Stress test D7.1D7.2 D7.3 D7.4 D7.5D7.6 T8.1Testing methodology definition 8 Large scale experiment T8.2Crew Experiment T8.3OpenLab Experiment T8.4SmartSantander Experiment T8.5SandS system overall revision D8.1 D8.2 D8.3/ 4D8.5/6
The deliverables delays MONTHS IN PROJECT NoWP description consolidated research D1.1 D1.2 D1.3 D1.4 2 boards D2.1 D2.2 D2.3 3 middleware D3.1D3.2D3.3 D3.4 4 protocols D4.1 D4.2 D4.3 5 intelligence D5.1 D5.2 6 social network D6.1 7 small scale mockup D7.1D7.2 D7.3 8 large scale experiments D1.3 D2.1 D2.2 D2.3 D3.2 D3.3 D3.4 D4.1
As a coordinator institution UNIMI will describe this facility. The single partners will explainthe general methods and achievements in a more complete way. In synthesis We have developped a DI which communicates with : Appliances ESN Eahoukers (≈) Its engineering has been implemented in a mini-mockup in Milano, to be trasnferred to large scale FIRE facilities once assessed in the small scale mockup in CARTIF Tangible experience on bread machine, washing machine, diswasher and oven as for non-brand solution, and fridge for branded solution.
The engineering of the DI-appliance infrastructure
A four layers approach to implement an overall ecosystem INSTRUCTIONS REACTIONS LOGIC LAYER TRANSACTIONS PHYSIC LAYER EAHOUKER
A social network of facts that physically manages all appliances parameters on my name
We have developed a NoSQL DB as the pivot of all information flowing in the system, at service of the triplet We have developed a two phase strategy for producing recipes [mine or produce] Of the top layer:
Starting the deployment We have set up the Cartif mockup as for: – Site preparation – Appliances acquisition – Ground truth collection We are weaning the computational intelligence of the system in terms of: – soft computing procedures
In view of Completing user interfaces (we have it as a substance, we want made it more appealing) Stressing the system in vivo in Valladolid Gaining experience in Valladolid from rigorous test program on both the appliances and the protocols. Setting up efficient mining procedures and recipe producing algorithms.
backlog Replacing with SandS motherboard previous motherboards - > to be achieved next months Fully exploiting communication protocols Fully exploiting DI ontologies More appealing user interfaces
In parallel Dissemination through convincing papers and demo, plus multimedia gadget and tools Exploitation, trying to convince both users and manufacturerers of the value of the SandS ecosystem IPR management in the tight perspective of open software / open hardware whenever non-brand solution is concerned.
Enter the mockup Enter the project website Our presentation via a few QRcodes Play appliances Play a serious game