Western Asia Regional Preparatory Meeting Manama, Bahrain 1-2 of June 2008 Presented By: Jeff Stephenson, Vice President- Chief Operating Officer, Oryx Enterprises, Doha- Qatar SAVING BILLIONS OF GALLONS OF FRESH WATER and TONS OF WASTE & POLLUTANTS….One Project at a Time.
Some countries have water, but no energy. Some have energy but no water. Then there are the unfortunate others who have neither. Human life, as with all animal and plant life on the planet, is dependent upon water. Not only do we need water to grow our food, generate our power and run our industries, but we need it as a basic part of our lives. Because of the intimate relationship between water and life, water is woven into the basic fabric of all cultures, religions, and societies in myriad ways. Water for People, Water for LIFE….
At this point in the twenty-first Century we are surrounded with the marvels of modern communications, electronics and bio-mechanics; where we have charted the human genome yet we have not mustered the skills, resources and will to provide all members of the global population something as basic as safe water supply.
Water in the Middle East The GCC is required to invest an estimated $100 billion over the next ten years in the water and desalination projects to keep up with the surge in demands caused by increases in tourism and year on year population increases. The Middle East makes up 5% of the global population, but has only about 1% of the world's renewable fresh water The average annual increase of demand for desalinated water in the Arab world is 6% per annum compared to 3% global average 40% of the water demand in the Middle East comes from the industrial and municipal sectors due to the construction boom underway.
Source: Utilities Middle East, March 2008
Construction boom… The total construction effort in the GCC, Iran and Iraq is currently running in the hundreds of billions of USD but is on track to exceed US$5 Trillion in the next few years! For the past two decades, the construction sector in the Middle East has been experiencing a major boom.
Due to this boom, over the next two years, the consumption of FRESH water by the Middle East regions’ projects just for concrete curing will exceed one hundred billion liters! (100,000,000,000)
THIS IS EQUIVALENT TO A 14km LAKE GONE IN 2 YEARS Pictured is Lake Monona, Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Four point seven billion (4,666,666,666) liters PER MONTH! Lake National Park, Oregon USA
Or 7 ½ Olympic size swimming pools gone every hour! Six million four hundred thousand (6,400,000) liters per hour! (1,783 liters a second!!!!!) or 107,000 liters every minute
SINAK S-102 Helping the construction industry save billions of liters of water, one project at a time.
S-102 is a 100% environmentally friendly alternative to using water for curing of concrete that provides the same results as 14 day water curing without sacrificing quality, time or cost. It enables the world’s contractors to produce high quality long lasting concrete structures faster and easier without wasting water or creating waste and pollution.
100 m 2 Concrete Curing: Water vs. S-102 Blanket (14 day Water) Effects on concrete Desired results when done properly – meets specifications Waste ,000 liters of water used / evaporated m 2 of burlap/blanket m 2 of plastic sheeting 4. Fuel, labor and time S-102 Effects on concrete Consistent optimum results – exceeds specifications Waste 1. 2 liters of water 2. Produces NO WASTE– product is consumed by concrete, packaging is biodegradable/application equipment reusable
Which makes more environmental sense? 27-34,000 gallons of water for 14-day blanket curing VS. Two liters of water for total S-102 treatment
Water Savings (liters)
> 1.5 Million m 2 of plastic sheeting > 1.5 Million m 2 of burlap blankets
Okay…now that we have saved billions of liters of FRESH water….. what can you do with it?
We consume it. (drinking, cooking, brushing our teeth) We share it with those in need. (Drought stricken and worn torn countries) We replenish our supply……..
Together we have started making a difference. Care to join us?
Thank You!