Senior Seminar Meeting Friday, January 18 th, 2013
Life Skills Credit Fall semester 10 week grade (D or better) gave you Life Skills credit Final Fall semester grade (D or better) WILL give you Life Skills credit Students who failed both parts: Double roster with same teacher OR Placed in new Life Skills seminar
How did you do last semester? GPA Analysis and Reflection Assignment Are you on track with credits? Have you reviewed your transcript? Are you on track with Portfolio (Total 17 artifacts)? 8 should be completed 4 should be in progress (WRC, CS, SLP, Parent Meetings)
GUARANTEE GRADUATION- Make a plan! CreditsPortfolio Community Service Service Learning Project (SLP) -GO TO CLASS -DO YOUR WORK! Check with teacher for schedule - Proposal/Sig n -Log Hours -Reflection - Proposal/Sig n -DO PROJECT by Feb. 22 -Prepare for SLP fair
Progress Checks THEY ARE COMING! Must be eligible to participate in activities. Requirements to be determined, could include: No Fails, CS, SLP, WRC, Portfolio, Detention, Attendance, CAHSEE, Credits, Intervention DO WHAT IT TAKES TO GRADUATE!
Community College Applications Check CC websites now Determine when you can start applying for Summer 2013 or Fall 2013 Start in the summer to have better chance of getting classes Check if CC offers outreach programs to help with books, getting classes, and tutoring Consider transportation
FAFSA Reminders FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) Cal Grant GPA Verification Form Some colleges may request: CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE 2012 parent and student IRS Federal Tax Returns (including all schedules and W-2 forms) or other income documentation, such as IRS Federal Tax Transcripts Other required forms
Important FAFSA Dates January 26, 2013= Sit down and fill out application at Santee, 8 a.m. February 15, 2013= Complete FAFSA in order to improve Financial Aid granted. March 2, 2013= FAFSA deadline Go to the College Center anytime for help
Undocumented Students Undocumented and under-documented students, while not be eligible for federal aid, may be eligible for state aid in California start inquiring in elementary and high school to see if it is possible for the student to become a permanent resident apply for all scholarships for which the student may be eligible check with colleges and universities to see if institutional financial aid is available watch for changes in federal and state laws regarding the eligibility of undocumented or under-documented students for more information: call (213) For a list of scholarships, go to MALDEF_Scholarship_Resource_Guide.pdf
WRC Update See appointment reminder handout for document details and resources Dec. results by late Jan./ early Feb. No shows and those who did not pass will be scheduled for April Next date Wed. Jan. 30 th Students already received appointment reminder Wed. Feb.20 th Students will receive appointment reminder by end of Jan. ALL STUDENTS INTERIEWING DEC. 5th, JAN. 30th, or FEB. 20th must register at following website record.php
Grad Pack Info On Campus Order Dates: Next to P.E. Gates January 23rd – Lunch FINAL CHANCE TO ORDER!! February 20th – Lunch FREE!! Mini-Ring on a Chain when you order your Graduation Class Ring
Yearbook Baby Picture DUE Thursday, Jan. 31 st - NO EXCEPTIONS Turn into Mr. Molina C202 Seminar 6 th period Before or After school OR to *Last day to buy Yearbook for $50- Jan.31 st *Feb. 1 st Price goes up to $65
Important Dates Finish SLP by February 22 nd SLP Fair March 21 st Finish Portfolio by May 16 th Prom May 17 th On sale in February, $90 Grad Nite June 5 th Graduation June 6 th