What is Pollution? Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into an environment that causes instability, disorder, harm or discomfort to the ecosystem.
Types of Pollution Soil/Land Pollution The addition of herbicides and pesticides to the soil. Increased mining and construction releases harmful chemicals that may run off from construction sites example, oils, debris and paint. Increase waste disposal. Landfills are slowly filling up with items which are non- biodegradable, example rubber, plastic, glass, etcetera
Natural Causes Volcanic eruptions Forest fires Human-made Causes The release of hazardous gases into the air by factories and vehicles on the road. The use of Chloroflurocarbons (CFC’S) from spray cans, air conditioners, etc. Smoking cigarettes Setting bush fires
o Water/Aquatic Pollution o Pathogens caused by untreated sewage o Detergents o Insecticides and herbicides washed down into our water supply. o Oil Spills from tankers and heavy ships. o Excessive garbage such as bottles, wrappers, household appliances, etcetera. o Chemicals from factories.
Noise Pollution Transportation systems such as airports, train stations, etcetera. Fireworks. Car alarms Barking dogs Excessively loud music. Construction work.
Acid Rain Spread of diseases Destroys plant, animal and human life
A proper recycling system needs to be established. Fines should be imposed on factories and those who pollute our air by excessive smoke, fires, etcetera. A proper sewage system should be put in place to ensure that sewage is treated properly before release into our waterways. Airports and other transportation stations should be built as far away from urban areas.
I wish to thank you, the viewing audience, for your time and I sincerely hope that this presentation has impacted on your life in one way or the other. Thank You! smartgirl