All About Me By: Rolanda Fowler
Early Childhood Born in Shreveport, Louisiana. Raised in Houston, Tx. I attended V.I. Grissom Elementary. I attended A.S. Johnston
Family I have 3 sisters and 5 brothers. My sister is a nurse. One of my brothers is an engineer. One of my brothers is in college. One of my brothers is a worker for GMC.
My Interest Learning new things MusicDanceTraveling
Family Vacations One summer we went to Cairo, Egypt. For Christmas, we went to Dominican Republic. I went Barbados for a student exchange.
Clubs & Organizations I’m not in any organizations. I would like to join: Beautiful Young Women Pride Dance Team Film Production
Awards I have many awards; DanceMath Spelling Bee Orchestra
Significant Other His name is Edlan. We don’t go out yet. Even though I wish we did. We known each other a long time. He is really amazing.
College I plan to go to college. I want to go to LSU.
Career Plans I plan to be a civil engineer.
Favorite Songs I’m a BIG fan of music. My favorite song is ‘Outer space’. It’s by a rapper named Yung Berg.
Movies I like a lot of movies!
Favorite Movie I don’t have a favorite movie
Dream Car My dream car is a Bentley. I want one so bad! They are just so pretty to me.
My Friends My friends are like family. We’re always together. I love them so much. They always know how to make me feel better. I know I can always count on them.
Me! I’m such an outgoing person. I’m always trying to make peace. I love to shop. Shopping is my life. I love to help out a lot.
Other Languages I’m currently learning French. It’s exciting to learn another language.
Sports I like the game of volleyball. I would like to play next year. I’m a huge fan of football. My favorite team is New Orleans Saints. I love Reggie Bush! He is my favorite.
Something really cool I USED to surf before. My knee got injured in track, So I couldn’t surf anymore. I might just go back to it.
My Puppy, Rolanda II I have a pet Yorkie. It’s a puppy. She is 4 months old. Her name is Rolanda II.
School Year I want to be on the Honor Roll. I want to be at the top of my class. I want to have perfect attendance. I want to have a really high GPA.
Fashion I’m a fashion addict. I love the fashion world. There are so many styles. I would like to start my own fashion line.
Favorite Colors I'm a big fanatic of colors. I'm a big fanatic of colors. Red Red Purple Purple Lime Lime Black Black White White
The World I would love to go to Brazil. I find that an amazing country. I just love their culture. I wish I was Brazilian.