Healthy Weight Management Chapter 13 Standard 5 Healthy Weight Management
Having a healthy weight can improve: Weight Management- means attaining healthy weight and keeping throughout life Having a healthy weight can improve: Well being Reduce risk of many diseases
Underweight is also and issue but far more people are overweight Not everyone who is overweight has excess body fat Can also be due to muscle
Overweight Health Risk of Obesity Over 50% of Americans are obese Obese means having a BMI of 30 or more Overweight has a BMI of 25-29.9 Can cause hypertension, heart disease and stroke Also diabetes II, arthritis, and some cancers
Underweight Underweight people can have a lack of some nutrient store May feel fatigued May have issues staying warm Chapter 13 Check Your Knowledge pg 241
Factors Affecting Weight Status Weight status- how much you weigh and ability to lose weight Heredity Eating habits -environmental cues-events or situations -psychological factors-boredom, depression, tension or fear Activity Level
Losing Excess Body Fat Main goal of weight management is good health Age, pregnancy, illness, emotional support all are factors to consider when starting a weight management plan
Math of Losing a Pound of Fat 1lb of fat = 3500 calories Estimating calorie needs are made using gender and typical activity level Estimating calorie intake can be accomplished using a food diary Comparing calorie needs with calorie intake by estimating your energy needs to your daily intake
Unsafe Weight-Loss Practices Fad diets- short time weight loss gimmicks fast-working, inexpensive, painless, and guaranteed are words used to describe these tricks Controlled by the FDA and FTC
Dangers of rapid weight-loss Crash diets: May provide fewer than 1200 calories per day Lack essential nutrients May add fasting, refraining from eating certain foods Can be harmful to the body *name some
Safe Weight-Loss Evaluate weight-loss plans carefully Diet provides all nutrients your body needs Diet is as close as your tastes and habits Diet keeps you from being hungry or tired Diet allows you to eat out Diet offers a change you can follow for life
Control calories Substitute foods lower in fat for those higher in fat Eat more vegetables and whole grain foods Chose fresh fruit instead of fatty snacks Chose steamed, baked or broiled foods rather than fried Select healthy recipies
Other Safe Weight-Loss Change eating habits Increase levels of daily activity Use a smaller plate or bowl Eat slow Reward yourself for small sucesses
Gaining Weight Consume extra calories from calorie dense foods Add small amounts of calorie-dense toppings Try eating bigger Consume snacks between meals Limit bulky, low calorie food such as salads and clear soup Avoid drinking fluids before meals