Contextualising RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) – The role of Line Management in the RPL process By Ivor Blumenthal CEO : Services SETA
What is RPL ? R.P.L. is nothing other than recognising current competence, as evidence of the quality of integration of education, training, coaching, mentoring and other life skills and processes.
At the heart of all RPL activities are ……… NQF STANDARDS
Standards are : The bases for writing Training Curriculum The basis for SETA’s Accrediting Learning Programmes The foundation of knowledge-based Assessments The building blocks of Professional Certification Including in Job Descriptions and Performance Appraisals
Where does the Line Manager fit-in ? The Line Manager is responsible for Performance Management The Line Manager is responsible for measuring competency against standards The Line Manager is responsible for Performance Counselling The Line Manager is responsible for Career Counselling The Line Manager is the RPL Advisor
What is the SDF’s responsibility vis-à-vis RPL ? The SDF is a Process Engineer The SDF is responsible for conscientising the workplace to the role of RPL in the Performance Management structure of the workplace The SDF is responsible for initiating the development processes of Line Management The SDF is responsible for measuring and reporting on the successful implementation of RPL in the workplace
How does RPL fit into the Workplace Skills Planning Process, and what is the role of the Line Manager in that process ?
The Workplace Skills Planning Process – Stage 1 Analyse the Company, identifying all possible Jobs, and tasks which need to be executed Recognising the highest level of Job- Related competency (RPL) Identifying Performance GAP’s Developing and getting to “yes” on strategies for addressing the GAP’s including combining jobs, additional staff to compliment existing worker gaps etc.
The Workplace Skills Planning Process – Stage 2 Analyse the Company, identifying all possible Jobs, and tasks which need to be executed, defining them in terms of Standards This is the component of the Workplace Skills Plan in-which opportunities for full and partial Learnerships and Skills Programmes are identified Agree on strategies, targets and responsibilities within the company for addressing these DEFFICIENCIES Identify Skill DEFFICIENCIES
How can Line Managers add value to the Standards Generating Process ? Standards become part of the language of the workplace Line Managers and their subordinates work and are measured according to these Standards daily Line Managers are ideally placed, working through their SDF’s to be continuously referring Quality issues regarding Standards back to respective SETA’s and their ETQA’s
What specific input can Line Managers have into Quality Assurance of Standards ? Line Managers become the vehicles for ETQA’s to use in testing Standards for Reliability and Validity Line Managers become the vehicle to test and expand Range Statements and Assessment Methodologies in Standards, given their daily application of these instruments
Line Managers are the catalysts required by SAQA and the National Skills Authority, to ensure that Standards and Qualifications become part of the language of the workplace, becoming operational vehicles for measurement and change, upon which reward systems of the future are based, and recruitment practices are standardised.