By Tommy Linares
There are five different groups of animals with vertebrates These classifications are: 1.Mammals2.Fish3.Reptiles4.Birds5.Amphibians
The Carpet Python is classified as a reptile because: They have scales. They have scales. They breath with lungs. They breath with lungs. They are cold-blooded which means it has to adjust its body temperature to its environment. They are cold-blooded which means it has to adjust its body temperature to its environment.
The Carpet Pythons classification is a reptile. They lay eggs. They lay eggs. They slither everywhere and have scales. They slither everywhere and have scales. As a snake grows it must shed its skin. As a snake grows it must shed its skin. It lives on the ground and in trees. It lives on the ground and in trees.
Appearance A Carpet Pythons scales look like a pattern on a oriental carpet. That is how they got their name. A Carpet Pythons scales look like a pattern on a oriental carpet. That is how they got their name. They are medium sized snakes and are between 2 to 4 meters in length They are medium sized snakes and are between 2 to 4 meters in length They weigh up to 15 kg. They weigh up to 15 kg.
Animal Adaptation The carpet python lives in the understory and forest floor layers of the rainforest. The carpet python lives in the understory and forest floor layers of the rainforest. Its skin color blends into the branches to camouflage it from danger. Its skin color blends into the branches to camouflage it from danger. The blotches and stripes look like sunlight shining though leaves onto a branch. The blotches and stripes look like sunlight shining though leaves onto a branch.
Behavior & Social Habits It may lay a clutch of up to 75 eggs. It may lay a clutch of up to 75 eggs. The Morelia Spilota (Carpet Python) is rather rare. The Morelia Spilota (Carpet Python) is rather rare. This snake has few enemies, but birds, lizards, and other snakes love to eat their eggs and young pythons. They are nocturnal This snake has few enemies, but birds, lizards, and other snakes love to eat their eggs and young pythons. They are nocturnal
Habits & Diet Habits & Diet Pythons are non-venomous snakes. They kill their prey by squeezing it to death. After killing its prey, the python swallows the entire animal head-first. The Carpet python likes mice, rats, birds, and other small animals. It may take several hours to digest its food.
Additional interesting facts The Carpet Python has three different names. The two other names are: the Diamond Back Python & the Morelia Spilota The Carpet Python has three different names. The two other names are: the Diamond Back Python & the Morelia Spilota The Carpet Python home is Australia. The Carpet Python home is Australia.
Pythons have heat receptors near the mouth that allow them to locate their prey by body heat. When the snake sticks out its tongue, it picks up scent particles in the air.
Ending I hope you learned a whole bunch about the Carpet Python