Recovery and Brought to you by: James Anderson, OPO Surgical Recovery Specialist Matthew Bock, OPO Surgical Recovery Coordinator Don Hawes, RN, UW Lung Transplant Coordinator Polly Boynton, RN, BSN, UW Heart Transplant Coordinator Christine Lillesand, RN, UW Kidney Transplant Coordinator Ed Wojtysiak, Lung Recipient
Objectives Part 1 Donation: Review the surgical recovery process in the operating room. –Reviewing Consents and Timeout –Two methods of organ recovery –Packaging and Transporting Organs BREAK Part 2 Transplant and BEYOND: Learn how transplant recipients get listed, evaluated, and called-in for transplant, and the recipient journey post-transplant.
2 Types of Consent for Donation Driver’s License Advanced Directive Living Will State Donor Registry State of WI Form IL/MI, Hospital- Specific Form DCD- Add’l consent on hospital Surgical Consent Form First Person Authorization Next-of-Kin Consent (WI) (IL) (MI) To sign up on your state’s Donor Registry, visit these sites below:
WI Record of Gift vs. Record of Intent NOK ConsentConsent
OR Procedure TIMEOUT!