Learning Log 9-8 Copy the chart below and take notes on each term as you watch the video. You will have a 7 question learning log quiz at the end of the video. public policy Democratthird parties Republicanprecinct interest groups political party lobbypollingpolling place
Learning Log Quiz Number a piece of paper from 1-7
1. Which term describes people who tend to favor conservative policies? A. Democrats B. Republicans C. interest groups D. Congressmen
2. Which term describes people who tend to favor liberal policies? A. Democrats B. Republicans C. interest groups D. Congressmen
3. Which group below has the least influence on politics? A. Legislatures B. Conservatives C. interest groups D. third parties
4. Which term describes people who try to influence lawmakers regarding a specific agenda? A. Legislatures B. Congressmen C. interest groups D. third parties
5. Which term describes a voting district? A. ballot B. platform C. primary election D. precinct
6. Which term describes a plan that sets national priorities and determines how they can best be achieved? A. public policy B. political process C. public agenda D. public opinion
7. What was the name of the man who did the first political poll in the United States? A. James Jarman B. Sam Paulman C. Charles Bishop D. George Gallop
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