doc.: IEEE /0729r1 AgendaRich Kennedy, MediaTek IEEE /15 Regulatory SC Waikoloa Meeting Plan and Agenda Date: Authors: July 2015 Slide 1
doc.: IEEE /0729r1 AgendaRich Kennedy, MediaTek Abstract This presentation is the plan for the IEEE /15 Regulatory Standing Committee meeting at the Waikoloa IEEE 802 Plenary the week of July 13, July 2015 Slide 2
doc.: IEEE /0729r1 Agenda Agenda [TAM2, ThAM1] Review and approve the agenda Administrative items and approve the minutes from Vancouver Introduction The regulatory summaries –ETSI TC BRAN June update –ETSI ERM TG11 June update –Ofcom PSSR consultation –FCC (3.5 GHz) update –Globalstar in 2.4 GHz band (final?) update The Regulatory SC and the 802 EC Actions required –Preparation for September ETSI ERM TG11 meeting –Preparation for October ETSI TC BRAN meeting –TBD AOB and Adjourn Rich Kennedy, MediaTek July 2015 Slide 3
doc.: IEEE /0729r1 Agenda Administrative Items Required notices –IEEE Code of Ethics –IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA) Affiliation FAQ –Antitrust and Competition Policy –Letter of Assurance Form –IEEE-SA Patent Committee FAQ & Patent slides and Chair and Secretary request –Chair is Rich Kennedy (MediaTek) Rich Kennedy, MediaTek July 2015 Slide 4
doc.: IEEE /0729r1 Agenda July 2015 Rich Kennedy, MediaTekSlide 5 SC Operating Rules Anybody can vote, present, and make motions Participation in SC during and WG Plenary or Interim counts towards voting rights in the respective working group All motions must pass by a 75% majority
doc.: IEEE /0729r1 Agenda July 2015 Rich Kennedy, MediaTek Other Guidelines for IEEE WG Meetings All IEEE-SA standards meetings shall be conducted in compliance with all applicable laws, including antitrust and competition laws. Don’t discuss the interpretation, validity, or essentiality of patents/patent claims. Don’t discuss specific license rates, terms, or conditions. Relative costs, including licensing costs of essential patent claims, of different technical approaches may be discussed in standards development meetings. Technical considerations remain primary focus Don’t discuss or engage in the fixing of product prices, allocation of customers, or division of sales markets. Don’t discuss the status or substance of ongoing or threatened litigation. Don’t be silent if inappropriate topics are discussed … do formally object See IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual, clause and “Promoting Competition and Innovation: What You Need to Know about the IEEE Standards Association's Antitrust and Competition Policy” for more details. Slide 6
doc.: IEEE /0729r1 Agenda Introduction Purpose –Improve the working relationship between the technical experts and the regulatory specialists, especially when it comes to critical technical issues Scope –The group will review new regulatory changes or impending changes affecting and standards –Each meeting will focus on the most critical issue at the time Critical Issue Focus –Direct impact on IEEE and current and future standards –Response/Input deadlines –Coordination with IEEE (RR-TAG) –Coordination with the Wi-Fi Alliance Rich Kennedy, MediaTek July 2015 Slide 7
doc.: IEEE /0729r1 Agenda Approve the Vancouver Minutes Motion: To approve the minutes from the IEEE /15 Regulatory SC meeting at the Vancouver Wireless Interim in document 11-15/0563r0 – vancouver-meeting-minutes.docx reg- vancouver-meeting-minutes.docx –Posted 14-May :36:04 ET –Moved by: Peter –Seconded by: Stuart –Discussion? –Vote: Unanimaous consent July 2015 Rich Kennedy, MediaTekSlide 8
doc.: IEEE /0729r1 Agenda Tuesday AM2 Review and approve the agenda Administrative items Introduction The regulatory summaries –ETSI TC BRAN June update –ETSI ERM TG11 June update –Ofcom PSSR consultation –FCC (3.5 GHz) update –Globalstar in 2.4 GHz band (final?) update Actions required –Preparation for September ETSI ERM TG11 meeting –Preparation for October ETSI TC BRAN meeting –TBD Recess until Thursday July 2015 Rich Kennedy, MediaTekSlide 9
doc.: IEEE /0729r1 Agenda Regulatory Updates ETSI TC BRAN June update ETSI ERM TG11 June update Ofcom PSSR consultation FCC (3.5 GHz) update Globalstar in 2.4 GHz band (final?) update (NEW) ECC Decisions July 2015 Rich Kennedy, MediaTekSlide 10
doc.: IEEE /0729r1 Agenda ETSI TC BRAN#83 June 23-26, 2015 Submissions discussed: –BRAN(15)000097a2_3GPP_Work_Item_on_Licensed- Assisted_Access_to_Unlicensed_Spectrum –BRAN(15)000062r1_A_proposal_for_a_path_forward_for_EN_301_398_in_ETSI_BRAN –BRAN(15) –BRAN(15) Broadcom indicated that these three documents (64, 65 and 66 basically support 62r1, so they were not displayed –BRAN(15) –BRAN(15)000071_On_LBT_parameters –BRAN(15)000072_On_Uplink_LBT_options –BRAN(15)000073_On_the_adaptivity_clause_for_LBE_in_EN_301_893 –BRAN(15)000074_On_adaptivity_rules_for_LBE_in_EN_301_893 –BRAN(15)000077_Status_and_summary_conclusions_of_3GPP_licensed_assisted_acc –BRAN(15)000078_Directions_for_the_content_of_Adaptivity_clause_in_EN_301_89 –BRAN(15)000079_Adaptivity_requirements_for_load_based_equipment –BRAN(15)000079r1_Adaptivity_requirements_for_load_based_equipment –BRAN(15)000078_Directions_for_the_content_of_Adaptivity_clause_in_EN_301_893 –BRAN(15)000094_A_review_of_document_BRAN_15_ –BRAN(15)000095_Ericsson_comments_to_submitted_Adaptivity_contributions
doc.: IEEE /0729r1 Agenda ETSI TC BRAN#83 Discussion of the Cisco document (62r1) was extensive. The Chair asked to continue with it on Thursday, so that we could get through review all of the coexistence documents. Cisco contends that the 3GPP simulations did not consider enough hidden node scenarios, so this also generated considerable discussion. The flowchart included in a number of submissions generated additional discussion, and was also pushed to Thursday. The afternoon session covered DA2GC harmonised standards, so the coexistence discussion continued informally in another room. Progress was slow on finding a technology neutral means of determining what technology the energy detected is. Cisco proposes using a Wi-Fi preamble, but others, including the UK regulator says this is not acceptable as it is not technology neutral. The coexistence meeting resumed at 5:45pm and introduced all the rest of the documents on this subject matter.
doc.: IEEE /0729r1 Agenda ETSI TC BRAN#83 Thursday morning was dedicated to completing review of submissions, and attempting to develop some compromises. The schedule for the afternoon included discussion of Radio Equipment Directive compliance for 5 GHz (EN ), as well as for 60 GHz (EN ), and a WFA request to greatly simplify the sharing rules in 60 GHz. During the section of 60 GHz, a group spilt off to discuss Wi-Fi and LAA-LTE coexistence. The coexistence discussion revolved around Cisco document 94, which was an attempt to answer the Ericsson document 78. Document 94 attempted to provide details to the flowchart in document 74, presented on Wednesday. This discussion took most of the morning with many disagreements on the unwritten details of the flowchart. However, the group that split off in the afternoon reached a much better understanding by all on how Wi-Fi does CCA and Extended CCA, and the complexity of managing coexistence when the QoS method is taken into account. July 2015 Rich Kennedy, MediaTekSlide 13
doc.: IEEE /0729r1 Agenda ETSI TC BRAN#83 By the time this meeting broke up, around 6:30pm, there was a much better coming together of the two sides, and it now appears what was contentious before has now become a joint exercise to solve the difficult problem. This will be discussed during the Friday closing plenary, In the RE-D compliance discussions, the WFA submission for 5 GHz was basically accepted with minor changes, but it became clear that not even the regulators are certain what data is needed for receiver characterization. We convinced the regulators present that they should discuss this and come back to us with a definitive set of parameters they believe will we need to provide to meet the Directive, by the middle of August.
doc.: IEEE /0729r1 Agenda ETSI TC BRAN#83 In the discussion of 60 GHz, the receiver requirements also need to be defined. The UK regulator said that by adding a clause on Listen Before Talk to EN , the ad should meet the adaptivity requirements of the Directive. TC BRAN met again Friday to review the work, set forth any new Work Items, and complete and approve the meeting minutes There will be an informal teleconference to advance the discussion on coexistence –A summary of the informal meeting at the BRAN session is in document BRAN(15)000100r3_Results_of_informal_Offline_discussions_that_took_place_ Wedn.docx –The meeting minutes are in document BRAN(15)000106_Plenary_meeting_minutes.docx
doc.: IEEE /0729r1 Agenda ETSI TC BRAN#83 Follow up French regulator, Olivier Pellay, has established a living document for development of a “final” coexistence plan BRAN(15) – CONTRIBUTIONS/2015//BRAN(15)000107_Working_document_on_co existence_issues.docx CONTRIBUTIONS/2015//BRAN(15)000107_Working_document_on_co existence_issues.docx July 2015 Rich Kennedy, MediaTekSlide 16
doc.: IEEE /0729r1 Agenda ETSI ERM TG11#43 June 29-July 2, 2015 RED compliance – Receiver Requirements –TG11 tried more carefully to link this issue to the actual wording in the Directive –There was a presentation that took a radically different approach by Jan Kruys ERMTG11(15)000032r1_A_Technology_Neutral_Metric_for_assessi ng_Receiver_Performan ERMTG11(15)000040_Introduction_to_doc_TG11_15__00032r1 –Much confusion over what is needed to meet RED requirements From BRAN, regulators agreed to clarify this by the middle of August –Receiver blocking levels added to latest revision of the HS –Jan was asked to return with an edited version based on the discussions
doc.: IEEE /0729r1 Agenda RED Details WRT Receivers (10) In order to ensure that radio equipment uses the radio spectrum effectively and supports the efficient use of radio spectrum, radio equipment should be constructed so that: in the case of a transmitter, when the transmitter is properly installed, maintained and used for its intended purpose it generates radio waves emissions that do not create harmful interference, while unwanted radio waves emissions generated by the transmitter (e.g. in adjacent channels) with a potential negative impact on the goals of radio spectrum policy should be limited to such a level that, according to the state of the art, harmful interference is avoided; and, in the case of a receiver, it has a level of performance that allows it to operate as intended and protects it against the risk of harmful interference, in particular from shared or adjacent channels, and, in so doing, supports improvements in the efficient use of shared or adjacent channels (11) Although receivers do not themselves cause harmful interference, reception capabilities are an increasingly important factor in ensuring the efficient use of radio spectrum by way of an increased resilience of receivers against harmful interference and unwanted signals on the basis of the relevant essential requirements of Union harmonisation legislation
doc.: IEEE /0729r1 Agenda ETSI ERM TG11#43 Wireless Industrial Automation group proposal was basically dismissed as not meeting requirements –Engineer at Emerson was on GoToMeeting –It was obvious he was poorly prepared and was not clear on the requirement or his presentation, which was written by someone now retired –He promised to come back with another try in September Meeting minutes are in document ERMTG11(15)000031r1_Minutes_of_the_43nd_meeting_of_TG11.doc There will be a GoToMeeting session on August 27 th –New approach to Receiver Requirements – July 2015 Rich Kennedy, MediaTekSlide 19
doc.: IEEE /0729r1 Agenda Globalstar TLPS Update Terrestrial Low Power Service in MHz 2+ years in the works FCC set up informal testing (the Demo) at FCC headquarters Globalstar reported there was no interference into Wi-Fi or Bluetooth –All Globalstar equipment is enterprise grade –Testing had to include consumer grade equipment as well CableLabs test report shows 65% degradation on channel 11 Bluetooth SIG reported severe interference Globalstar disputes all test results that do not agree with theirs FCC still undecided; is very concerned about interference into Wi- Fi July 2015 Rich Kennedy, MediaTekSlide 20
doc.: IEEE /0729r1 Agenda ECC Decisions Intelligent Transport System (ITS) –The ECC approved revisions of ECC Decision (08)01 (ITS in the band – MHz) and ECC Recommendation (08)01 (ITS in the band – MHz). The amendments include a broadening of the scope of these deliverables to include all types of ITS traffic safety and traffic efficiency communications. As a result from additional compatibility studies with regards to improved co-existence with road tolling applications and fixed service links in the adjacent spectrum, it also takes into account modifications to the technical conditions and the possible use of mitigation techniques. Broadband Direct Air To Ground Communications –The ECC approved two new ECC Decisions (15)02 and (15)03 for Direct Air to Ground Communications in the frequency bands MHz and MHz respectively. With these Decisions, the ECC has provided a regulatory framework for harmonized use opportunities in Europe for stakeholders for the respective air-to-ground (ATG) connectivity in support of the increasing demand for inflight entertainment (IFE) applications in commercial airplanes. July 2015 Rich Kennedy, MediaTekSlide 21
doc.: IEEE /0729r1 Agenda ECC Decisions Earth Stations Onboard Mobile Platforms –No impact on /15 bands or adjacent bands Obstacle Detection Radars for Helicopter Use –A new draft ECC Decision on the harmonised use of the frequency range GHz for obstacle detection radars for helicopter use was approved for public consultation… Wireless Mobile Communications Onboard Vessels –Amendments of ECC Decision (08)08 were approved for public consultation. This is an extension of the regulatory framework for mobile services on board vessels to cover GSM in the bands / MHz and / MHz, UMTS in the band / MHz and LTE (5 MHz channel bandwidth only) in the bands / MHz and / MHz. July 2015 Rich Kennedy, MediaTekSlide 22
doc.: IEEE /0729r1 Agenda ECC Decisions 700 MHz –The ECC agreed a roadmap, which provides a revised schedule and identifies the required tasks for the delivery of a final CEPT Report in response to the EC mandate on 700 MHz. The CEPT Report B will be developed on the basis of ECC Decision 15 (01) on the harmonised technical conditions for Mobile/Fixed Communications Networks (MFCN) in the band MHz MHz –CEPT Report 58 in response to the EC mandate on the 2.3 GHz band and dealing with technical solutions for the shared use of the MHz band for wireless broadband application and Programme Making and Special Events (PMSE) applications, was approved, together with the new Recommendation (15)04 which includes guidance for the implementation of a sharing framework between Mobile/Fixed Communications Networks (MFCN) and PMSE within MHz. July 2015 Rich Kennedy, MediaTekSlide 23
doc.: IEEE /0729r1 Agenda ECC Decisions MHz: –the amended ECC Decision (05)05 on the harmonised utilisation of spectrum for MFCN operating within the band MHz was approved with an extended scope which covers now the designation of the band for MFCN. Machine-to-Machine applications: –A new ECC Report on M2M applications (Machine-to- Machine) in the MHz / MHz band was approved for public consultation. This ECC Report contains compatibility studies for LTE-based and GSM- based M2M systems with the services in adjacent bands as identified in ECC Decision (15) 01. The ECC also decided to organise a CEPT Workshop in 2016 on M2M applications. The scope of the workshop will be broader than just M2M over public mobile networks in order to include also the various other wireless services which can serve M2M applications. July 2015 Rich Kennedy, MediaTekSlide 24
doc.: IEEE /0729r1 Agenda Actions Required ETSI ERM TG11#44 Preparation ETSI TC BRAN#84 Preparation TBD July 2015 Rich Kennedy, MediaTekSlide 25
doc.: IEEE /0729r1 Agenda ETSI ERM TG11#44 September 28-October 1, 2015 Finalizing RED compliance WIA revised effort to add non-LBT technology July 2015 Rich Kennedy, MediaTekSlide 26
doc.: IEEE /0729r1 Agenda ETSI TC BRAN#84 October 13-16, 2015 Finalizing RED compliance –Waiting for regulatory feedback in August Settle on coexistence methodology –Waiting for results of follow-up informal call(s) July 2015 Rich Kennedy, MediaTekSlide 27
doc.: IEEE /0729r1 Agenda Thursday AM1 Review and approve the agenda Complete the work begun on Tuesday News: FCC fails to close on pre-auction plans Discussion of the DFS Technical Reports [Peter] Our preferred process AOB Adjourn Rich Kennedy, MediaTek July 2015 Slide 28
doc.: IEEE /0729r1 Agenda DFS Changes Additional mitigation techniques to enable sharing between RLANs and Radiolocation Systems in the MHz to MHz [and MHz to MHz] – Draft/ /BRAN v002.dochttp:// Draft/ /BRAN v002.doc DFS History – tutorial.pptx ghz- tutorial.pptx – The model for coexistencehttp:// – I!!PDF-E.pdf Radars in MHz bandshttp:// I!!PDF-E.pdf – I!!PDF-E.pdf DFShttp:// I!!PDF-E.pdf July 2015 Rich Kennedy, MediaTekSlide 29
doc.: IEEE /0729r1 Agenda Teleconferences Bi-weekly on Thursdays, 12:30 to 13:30 ET July 2015 Rich Kennedy, MediaTekSlide 30