Envision Math - 3rd Grade - Topic 6 - 1 Students use patterns to multiply by 2 and 5 by using skip counting and arrays. Envision Math - 3rd Grade - Topic 6 - 1 MA.3.A.1.1 Model multiplication and division including problems presented in context: repeated addition, multiplicative comparison, array, how many combinations, measurement, and partitioning.
Envision Math - 3rd Grade - Topic 6 - 2 Students will look for patterns in multiples of 9 by skip counting, looking at patterns that use one less, using arrays, and understanding the commutative property. Envision Math - 3rd Grade - Topic 6 - 2 MA.3.A.1.1 Model multiplication and division including problems presented in context: repeated addition, multiplicative comparison, array, how many combinations, measurement, and partitioning.
Envision Math - 3rd Grade - Topic 6 – 3 Students will use patterns and properties to multiply with 0 and 1 as factors by using the “Identity (one) property of Multiplication” and “Zero Property of Multiplication”. Envision Math - 3rd Grade - Topic 6 – 3 MA.3.A.1.1 Model multiplication and division including problems presented in context: repeated addition, multiplicative comparison, array, how many combinations, measurement, and partitioning.
Envision Math - 3rd Grade - Topic 6 – 4 3rd Graders will use patterns to multiply with 10 as a factor by using place value, arrays, skip counting, and logical thinking. Envision Math - 3rd Grade - Topic 6 – 4 MA.3.A.1.1 Model multiplication and division including problems presented in context: repeated addition, multiplicative comparison, array, how many combinations, measurement, and partitioning.
Envision Math - 3rd Grade - Topic 6 – 5 Students will problem solve two-question problems (multiple step problems) by solving one problem and using the solution to complete a second problem. Envision Math - 3rd Grade - Topic 6 – 5 MA.3.A.1.1 Model multiplication and division including problems presented in context: repeated addition, multiplicative comparison, array, how many combinations, measurement, and partitioning.
Envision Math - 3rd Grade - Topic 4 Data Topic 4 Math Students “Show What They Know” by doing an assessment on Topic 6 Multiplication: Use Patterns Envision Math - 3rd Grade - Topic 4 Data Topic 4