United Institute of Informatics Problems National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
The directions of research: - Computer aided design (CAD/CAM/CAE) - Processing and recognition of signals, images and speech - Operations research and discrete optimization - Decision making support systems - Bio and medical informatics, ergonomics - Geoinformation systems - Supercomputer systems - Computer networks and telematics - Information protection - Input-output of videoinformation THE MAIN OBJECTIVES - Fundamental and applied research in the fields of information technology, computer science, applied mathematics, computer aided design and some other attached fields. - Cooperating with industrial research centers and enterprises in solving technical problems faced by the production sector in the field of computer aided design, computer aided engineering, new products testing, software and hardware development. - Participating in formulation of national policies in the above mentioned fields in Belarus and in the long term R&D planning. - Specialist education and training of high-qualified research staff capable to tackle the scientific and technological problems.
UNITED INSTITUTE OF INFORMATICS PROBLEMS Modeling of Intelligent ProcessesModeling of Image Synthesis and Recognition Processes Information Technologies and Systems Mathematical Cybernetics Operation Research Modeling Technological Processes D i v i s i o n s L a b o r a t o r i e s and d e p a r t m e n t s N a t i o n a l A c a d e m y o f B e l a r u s A.TUZIKOV, G. LEVIN, newman.bas-net.by Logical Design P.BIBILO, newman.bas-net.by V.MAHNACH, newman.bas-net.by Technical Systems Synthesis S.MEDVEDEV, newman.bas-net.by Self-organizing System Modeling A.KROT, newman.bas-net.by Computer Networks G.SOLODKIN, newman.bas-net.by Computer Aided Design L.GUBITCH, tut.by Biomedical Images Analysis V, KOVALIOV System Engeneering Cartographic Systems and Technology Image Processing and Recognition N.MURASHKO, A.KRIUCHKOV, newman.bas-net.by Systems Identification R.SADIHOV, newman.bas-net.by S.ABLAMEIKO, newman.bas-net.by Speech Recognition and Synthesis B.LOBANOV, newman.bas-net.by Department of Space Program A.KRAVTSOV, newman.bas-net.by High Performance Computer System Information Protection Computer Graphics O.TCHIJ newman.bas-net.by Bioinformation Systems I.TOM, newman.bas-net.by V.EROHOVETS, newman.bas-net.by Automation of Video Information Input G.ALEKSEEV, newman.bas-net.by Supercomputer remote multi- access Center V.STETSURENKO, newman.bas-net.by Department of SKIF systems Information analysis systems V.LAPITSKI, N.PARAMONOV, newman.bas-net.by Data ware of Scientific Research R.GRIGIANETS
The Institute keeps the creative contacts with scientific organizations all over the world. Among them the following universities and scientific centers: Russia - Russian Academy of Sciences - Russian Avia-Space Agency - Program Systems Institute of RAS - Moscow State University France - INRIA - Centre of mathematical morphology, Paris - Technical University, Troyes - National Engineering School, Metz - MATRA, Velizy - University Nuncy Germany - Otto-von-Guericke- University of Magdeburg - University of Osnabruk - Institute of Informatics, Freiberg - University of Saarland - University of Aachen Poland - Technical University of Wroclaw - Poznan University of Technology - Technical University of Szczecin - Technical University of Zeliona Gura - University of Byalostok United Kingdom - University of Greenwich - University of Southampton - Coventry University - Surrey University - University of Nottinhem USA - NovCom N.V. Company, Nashua - Software Security Company - Stanford University India - Ministry of Science and Technology Italy - Institute of Cybernetics of CNR, Napoli - University of Napoli - University of Milan Japan - Institute of Technology, Kyushu - Kyushu University Ukraine - Ministry of Education of Ukraine Peoples Republic of China - Polytechnic University of Hong Kong - Institute #28 of China Electronic Group - Center of Industrial Cooperation
International Cooperation Participation in international research programs:. INTAS COPERNICUS STASIS UNESCO NATO ISTC (International Science and Technology Center) National branches of international Associations: IEE IEEE EURO IAPR Individual membership in international organizations: Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Institute of Electrical Engineers American Mathematical Society International Association of Pattern Recognition New-York Academy of Sciences International Academy of Information Technology European Association on Speech Communication INTERNET Society
Post address: United Institute of Informatics Problems Surganova Str. 6, Minsk, Belarus Phone: +(375 17) FAX: +(375 17)