Nonfiction Texts for the NC Social Studies Adoption


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Presentation transcript:

Nonfiction Texts for the NC Social Studies Adoption Materials Needed for this Presentation NGS NC SS Catalog NGS NC SS Adoption Sampler The Civil Rights Movement TG Class Rules Teacher Guide WOL LLV Sampler (SS) RE LLV Sampler (SS)

What Does National Geographic Mean to You??? New Words? New Worlds? New Cultures? New Technologies? ALL KINDS OF PEOPLE? Do you encounter the WORLD with National Geographic?

National Geographic Content Literacy Catalog - Correlated to the NC Social Studies Standard Course of Study Leveled nonfiction Develop nonfiction reading skills and strategies Writing Opportunities Provide a wide range of nonfiction genres such as procedural, narrative, and expository texts

Objective To provide all students with access to grade-level content in Social Studies while supporting the development of language and literacy skills.

NGS Social Studies Titles by Level Grade Level Collection Level Range (Guided Reading / DRA) # of titles in NC Catalog Kindergarten Wordless, Word, Simple Sentence up to Level I / 16 44 First Grade Word, Simple Sentence up to Level K / 24 43 Second Grade H/14 up to Q/R Third Grade L/M up to S/T 36 Fourth Grade R/S up to V/W 10 Fifth Grade O/P up to V/W

Social Studies Domains Technology Geography History / Culture Economics / Government

Literacy Skills Vocabulary Development Comprehension Higher-order thinking Writing, listening and speaking Background knowledge in the content areas

Teaching Nonfiction Text Features Emergent (1-6/A-D): Labels, boldface type, graphic symbols, picture glossaries Early (7-12/E-I): Table of contents, index, glossary Fluent (13-18/I-L): Diagrams, detailed Glossaries, index Fluent Plus (19-24/L-R): Complex diagrams, maps, charts

Kindergarten Sample Book My Friend and I is the sample text for this grade (in your sample pack) The other texts pictured correlate each correlate to a different objective for this grade.

First Grade Sample Book Class Rules is the sample text for this grade (in your sample pack) The other texts pictured correlate each correlate to a different objective for this grade.

Second Grade Sample Book Symbols of Freedom is the sample text for this grade (in your sample pack) The other texts pictured correlate each correlate to a different objective for this grade.

Third Grade Sample Book Communities Across America Today is the sample text for this grade (in your sample pack) The other texts pictured correlate each correlate to a different objective for this grade.

Fourth Grade Sample Book The Age of Inventions is the sample text for this grade (in your sample pack) The other texts pictured correlate each correlate to a different objective for this grade.

Fifth Grade Sample Book The Civil Rights Movement is the sample text for this grade (in your sample pack) The other texts pictured correlate each correlate to a different objective for this grade.

Supporting the Differentiated Classroom Language, Literacy & Vocabulary authored by Linda Hoyt Using a sheltered-instruction approach, deliver accessible grade level content and literacy instruction with carefully scaffolded support for students functioning below grade level.

Grade-appropriate Social Studies content written at lower reading levels Vocabulary Development Building Background Building Big Ideas Understanding of key concepts Nonfiction text features Link past learning to new concepts Comprehension development Word practice for fluency and mastery Application of learning through activities Assessing students on various levels

Teacher Support Teacher’s Guides for every title available online at Informal Teacher Notes on inside front cover of every book

Includes literacy focus as well as social studies focus

Includes easy-to-follow ideas for reading & responding to the book Provides ideas for ELL support Highlights social studies activities

Content and Comprehension Activity Masters There are two activity masters for every title. Once activity master for each title focuses on literacy skills, including decoding, vocabulary, comprehension, and writing. The other activity master for each title focuses on content skills, dealing with the main science, social studies, or math concept in the book. Content and Comprehension Activity Masters

Assessment Tools Graphic Organizers There are a range of informal assessment tools in the Windows on Literacy program to help teachers manage instruction, including oral reading records, graphic organizers, and help with evaluating retellings. Graphic Organizers Oral reading records & summary sheets

Teacher Support for Building Background Learning Objectives and Cross-Curricular Objectives

Before, During, and After Reading Correlation to National Content Standards Before, During, and After Reading

Connect to Home and other Curriculum Assessment Options include informal, written, and formal assessment for comprehension. Connect to Home and other Curriculum

Inside Front Cover Teacher Notes