Argument Writing Vocabulary
Without error; in exact conformity to fact; information is NOT made up Accurate
A type of writing used to convince Argument
The person or group of people to whom the writer is writing Audience
Prejudice in favor of one thing or against another; lacking a natural viewpoint Bias
The side you choose to support in an argument Claim/Position
The position taken by the opposite side Counterclaim
Reliable, trustworthy, dependable; can be counter on to be accurate Credible
Credibility Convince by the character of the author Tend to believe people we respect Make people believe you are the expert on the subject Ethos
Statistics, facts, examples, definitions, etc. that are used to explain and support a reason Evidence
When reasons and evidence are presented in a way that makes sense Logical
Logical To persuade by the use of reason Heart of the argument (without logic, you’re just babbling) Will enhance your ethos Logos
Wording used at the start of a nonfiction writing piece to catch the interest of the reader Nonfiction Lead
Someone who opposes a claim/position Opponent
Emotional Persuade by appealing to your reader’s emotions Many people view this as the strongest argument Appeal to people’s emotions Pathos
An opinion; the way you think about a position Point of View
Someone who supports a claim/position Proponent
The reason the writer is writing; the goal of the writing piece Purpose
Something provided by the writer to justify an support a claim/position Reason
What the writer presents to refute and explain away a counterclaim Rebuttal
Information that is related to the matter at hand and appropriate to the purpose Relevant
Text or video that contains information that can be used to develop reasons and evidence Source
W0rds, phrases or sentences that connect sentences, paragraphs, or sections Transitions