Abstract Evidence can be the key to convicting someone of a crime, or acquitting a person of charges brought against them. To make sure the evidence is.


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Presentation transcript:

Abstract Evidence can be the key to convicting someone of a crime, or acquitting a person of charges brought against them. To make sure the evidence is carefully documented, we'll need to make a database application that will store all of the those options that evidence might have associated with it. The database application shall also be able to search for, report, and print information about any piece of evidence. The police department will be able to use this application via a network and search for information by storage location, victim's name, suspect's name, case number, date, or description. This will help out the police department by organizing the data and omitting some of the clutter paperwork may cause. Team Members: Andrew Bitterman CPRE Jennifer Sanders CPRE Yin-Cheung Lo CPRE Royson Chong CPRE Advisors: Dr. Mani Mina Dr. Tom Daniels Client: Chief Dan Losada Boone Police Department Acknowledgement Chief Dan Losada and Boone Police Department Problem Statement Chain of custody for each evidence can determine if it is admissible in court. Boone police department needs to accurately keep track of this information. The end product will be a database application that stores information about each evidence and officers will be able to update the item with each location is has been and who has handled it. No deletions will be allowed to insure records have not been modified. Operating Environment The application will run on a closed network on Windows XP platforms. Intended Users and Uses This application is intended for use by the Boone Police Department employees. Information will be printable for those outside the Department who need it. This application shall only be used for the tracking and inventory of evidence. Assumptions Basic knowledge of Microsoft Windows XP. Proper storage space for backup. Only eight workstations running the program.Limitations Compatible with Microsoft Windows XP. Max response time must be less than ten seconds. Must have backup and restore capability. End Product and Deliverables Prototype User manual Application Final program may be compatible with a signature pad and scanner Design Objectives Must be secure Must be easy to use and maintain. Functional Requirements Must be searchable be various fields Must be able to be backed up Must be flexible in types of data stored Design Constraints Must be low cost. Must not require technical support. Measurable Milestones Project definition End-product design End-product implementation End-product testing End-product demonstration Testing Considerations Run tests on each module to ensure work function Test system upon adding any new modules Test system upon complete integration Client shall test system with aid from team Technologies Considered Database management software : Structured Query Language (SQL) Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) Input hardware: Digital signature pad Barcode Scanner Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) Fig. 1: Chain of Custody Proposed Approach Consult client to determine user requirement Research current technologies Develop system by separate modules Run intensive tests on each level of integration Poster, $50 Input Hardware, $285 Financial Resources Personal Effort Andrew Bitterman 147 hours Jennifer Sanders 149 hours Royson Chong 153 hours Yin-Cheung Lo 151 hours INTRODUCTION PROJECT REQUIREMENTS PROPOSED APPROACH AND CONSIDERATIONS ESTIMATED RESOURCES AND SCHEDULE Figure 2: Examples of Evidence CLOSING SUMMARY An effective and efficient evidence inventory and tracking system shall be developed for the Boone Police Department. It is our hope that this application greatly facilitates their work. Clockwise from top right: Cigarette butt, handgun, bullet.