ENGLISH/LANGUAGE ARTS Six Shifts in ELA/Literacy Balancing Informational and Literary Text Building Knowledge in the Disciplines Staircase of Complexity Text-Based Answers Writing From Sources Academic Vocabulary
ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS ShiftsELAWhat I am doing to accommodate Shifts Shifts 1 & 2NONFICTION TEXT50% of assignments require reading nonfiction: MLP, Science, Social Studies, Whole group shared reading SHIFT 3Higher level of text complexity Paired passages Junior Great Books Shifts 4 & 5Focus on command of evidence from text: rubrics and prompts Philosophy for Children Shift 6Academic vocabularyFinding Themes, Craft and Style of Writing
MATH Six Shifts in Math Focus Coherence Fluency Deep Understanding Applications Dual Intensity
MATH ShiftsMathWhat I am doing to accommodate Shifts Shift 1Intensive FocusSpending more days on specific math concepts and skills (Use Engage NY pacing calendar) Shift 2Linking BackReview, entry tasks, AdaptedMind Math Shifts 4,5,6Mathematical Modeling Mini lessons, Hands on Equations, Concrete to Abstract continuum
DAILY WORK Math Daily Math Reveiw Students have immediate feedback Students use HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) to explain how they figured out math problems and compare their answers to others Fluency Tests-speed and accuracy Focus deeply on targeted concepts English Language Arts Students read Barnell-Loft Specific Skills (Getting the Main Idea, Inferences, Sequencing) Students self check their packets Philosophy discussions engage students on rich and rigorous evidence based conversations about text
DR. D’S PHILOSOPHY: I GET TO LEARN FROM MY STUDENTS EVERY DAY! HOW COOL IS THAT? My personal goal is to prepare students for LIFE; to learn to engage fully in academic tasks, to work hard and have fun learning. If students learn about themselves as learners, understand their own strengths and how to build upon those strengths, they will maximize their educational experience and succeed. Success is individual, it looks different for everyone!