Word Lesson 13 Sharing Documents Microsoft Office 2010 Advanced Cable / Morrison 1
Word Lesson 13 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Objectives Track changes and add comments. Merge revisions from multiple documents. Review and accept or reject changes. Compare documents. Restrict access to a document. 222
Word Lesson 13 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Objectives (continued) Inspect documents to prepare for electronic distribution. Attach a digital signature to a document. Upload files to the Web. 3
Word Lesson 13 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Vocabulary case-sensitive comment digital signature document workspace site encryption markup metadata Portable Document Format (PDF) read-only document revision bar XML Paper Specification (XPS) 444
Word Lesson 13 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Revising Documents Team members commonly collaborate to develop a document. – They edit content, add new content, change formats, and share their thoughts Word offers many features that make it easy for workgroups to track changes, add comments, and compare revisions. 5
Word Lesson 13 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Revising Documents (continued) Tracking Changes in a Document Track Changes feature enables you to review suggested changes and feedback. Revision marks and annotations that Word places in a document are called markup. 6
Word Lesson 13 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Revising Documents (continued) Tracking Changes in a Document (continued) A revision bar appears in the left margin and indicates a tracked change or comment related to the paragraph. Word assigns a different markup color for up to eight reviewers. 7
Word Lesson 13 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Revising Documents (continued) Adding Comments to a Document A comment is an annotation that is added within a document by the author or reviewer. – Provides an easy way for reviewers to share ideas and suggestions without changing content of the document Reviewing Pane offers an alternate way to show markup and provides a summary of tracked changes. 8
Word Lesson 13 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Revising Documents (continued) Adding Comments to a Document (continued) 9 Reviewing Pane
Word Lesson 13 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Revising Documents (continued) Showing and Hiding Markup You can choose from several options to control the markup that is shown in the document. The markup remains in the document until you accept or reject the changes. If you want the document to print without the markup, you must first hide the markup. 10
Word Lesson 13 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Revising Documents (continued) 11 Show Markup options with the names of the reviewers Showing and Hiding Markup (continued)
Word Lesson 13 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Revising Documents (continued) Combining Revisions from Multiple Documents Sometimes reviewers will make changes to their own copy of the same document, creating different versions of the document. You can merge all the changes into the original document, or you can create a new document to show the combined revisions. 12
Word Lesson 13 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Revising Documents (continued) Reviewing Revisions Review revisions and decide whether to accept or reject the proposed changes. You can accept or reject the changes individually, or several or all changes at once. 13
Word Lesson 13 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Revising Documents (continued) Comparing Documents The Compare feature offers a simple way to identify the differences in two versions of a document. – Nothing will change in either of the documents you are comparing. – The differences in the two documents will appear as tracked changes in a new third document. 14
Word Lesson 13 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Preparing Documents for Electronic Distribution You can save a document as a read-only document. You can protect a document by setting controls to restrict access and edits. You can ensure that a document is compatible with other platforms and Word versions. You can personalize a document by adding your signature in a digital format. 15
Word Lesson 13 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Preparing Documents for Electronic Distribution (continued) Restricting Access You can assign a password to a document. You can encrypt the document so that it is unreadable without a password. Encryption is a standard method for encoding data. 16
Word Lesson 13 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Preparing Documents for Electronic Distribution (continued) Restricting Access (continued) Passwords are case-sensitive. 17 General Options dialog box
Word Lesson 13 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Preparing Documents for Electronic Distribution (continued) Restricting Formatting and Editing When sharing documents, you might want to restrict the areas in a document that others can change. You can designate certain parts of the document to be unrestricted but grant permission for specific individuals only to modify other restricted sections. 18
Word Lesson 13 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Preparing Documents for Electronic Distribution (continued) Inspecting the Document Metadata—data that describes other data— is stored in the files that you create. – Some of the metadata contains personal information that you might not want others to see Inspect Document command checks the file for personal information, such as names and dates. 19
Word Lesson 13 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Preparing Documents for Electronic Distribution (continued) 20 Document Inspector dialog box Inspecting the Document (continued)
Word Lesson 13 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Preparing Documents for Electronic Distribution (continued) Attaching a Digital Signature A digital signature is an attachment to a file or message that certifies that the information in the file is authentic and safe. You can create a self-signed digital certificate, which does not verify your identity For an authenticated certificate, you must secure a service from a third-party vendor. 21
Word Lesson 13 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Preparing Documents for Electronic Distribution (continued) Creating a Signature Line The signature line specifies information about the intended signer. – You can also provide instructions for the signer. 22 Signature Setup dialog box
Word Lesson 13 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Preparing Documents for Electronic Distribution (continued) Sending Documents You can send the document via or in a fax message, or publish it to a blog. If you’re not sure what applications, platforms, or operating systems the recipient is using, consider saving the document in PDF or XPS format. 23
Word Lesson 13 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Preparing Documents for Electronic Distribution (continued) Sending Documents (continued) Portable Document Format (PDF) and XML Paper Specification (XPS) formats are designed to: – Preserve the visual appearance and layout of each page – Enable fast viewing and printing 24
Word Lesson 13 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Storing, Accessing, and Sharing Documents Word enables you to upload and access documents online so that you can share files with others. A workspace site is a Web site that provides a central location for storing and sharing files. 25
Word Lesson 13 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Summary In this lesson, you learned: Tracked changes can appear in up to eight different colors, which helps distinguish changes made by multiple reviewers. Reviewers can provide feedback on a document without changing the content by adding comments. 26
Word Lesson 13 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Summary (continued) You can control the markup that shows on the screen or prints in a document. Comments can be edited in the markup balloons or in the Reviewing Pane. Revisions from multiple documents can be combined into a single document. 27
Word Lesson 13 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Summary (continued) You can accept or reject changes individually in documents, or you can accept or reject some or all changes at the same time. To compare documents, you can view them side by side, or you can use the Compare feature, which enables you to show the differences between the two documents using tracked changes in a new document. 28
Word Lesson 13 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Summary (continued) Access to a document can be restricted by assigning a password. Before sharing a document, it is good practice to inspect it so that you can control what others see. Word offers several options for distributing documents electronically, including , blogs, and document workspaces. 29